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dc.contributor.authorNekrošius, Liutauras
dc.contributor.authorRiaubienė, Edita
dc.description.abstractAptariamos tarpukario Lietuvoje pastatytos mokyklos, tapusios architektūros paveldo objektais. Svarstoma 1918-1940 metų edukacijai skirtos architektūrinio paveldo kolekcijos tolesnio formavimo koncepcinė struktūra ir galimybės.lit
dc.description.abstractThe complex and exceptionally fruitful schools construction in 1918–40 historical period took place on no equal footing on the whole territory encompassing current Lithuania boundaries. The entirety of heritage of this period educational architecture can be shaped from two parts. The prerequisite for such formation can be the architectural results of the educational policy of the interwar Lithuanian Republic with the unique legacy of the German education system in autonomous Klaipėda region. The educational architecture programme implemented by the Polish government in the present territory of Lithuania, Vilnius region. 27 school architecture heritage objects built in the period of 1918–40 are on the list of the Lithuanian Register of Immovable Cultural Values. In addition to this, legal protection is also applied to 50 schools built in other historic periods. But all this only partially reflects the peculiarities and diversity of educational architecture heritage in different Lithuanian regions. Taking into consideration the school typology, territorial spread, character of preparation, authorship and expression of these projects, we have distinguished a few dozen more examples of school architecture. Whether these buildings gain the status of legal protection, or not, it will depend on the guidelines of the state heritage policies and their implementation possibilities. But attention should be drawn to the recent rapid transformations of school buildings of earlier periods in order to comply to the changing technical requirements (universal design, acoustics, insolation, ventilation, heating parameters), as well as change of educational paradigms (the classic frontal instruction has been replaced with the student-orientated system), whereas so far we don’t have any clear concept how to adapt the building to these requirements without losing its architectural value. Therefore, a complex approach is necessary in the process of evaluation of different protection, monitoring, administration and representation tools for possible heritage objects. We believe a broader discussion on architectural heritage of earlier periods, its values and ways of sustainable use could help joining the users of such buildings into a special club orientated not only towards the improvement of daily protection procedures (maintenance, insurance, renewal, sponsorship, etc.), but also the popularization of heritage (exhibitions, publications, periodicals, etc.) and promotions of research. Such form of collaboration may encourage the formation of systemic collection of culturally valuable architectural objects designated for scientific and public knowledge and sustainable use.eng
dc.format.extentp. 72-85
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.subjectSD01 - Architektūra, urbanistika, kraštovaizdžio architektūra, teritorijų planavimas / Architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture and regional planning
dc.titleLietuvos mokyklų architektūros paveldas. II dalis: įgyvendintas 1918-1940
dc.title.alternativeThe heritage of the architecture of Lithuanian schools
dc.typeStraipsnis meno, kultūros, profesiniame leidinyje / Article in art, culture, professional publication
dc.type.pubtypeS5 - Straipsnis meno, kultūros, profesiniame leidinyje / Article in art, culture, professional publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyArchitektūros fakultetas / Faculty of Architecture
dc.subject.researchfieldH 003 - Menotyra / Art studies
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL103 - Įtrauki ir kūrybinga visuomenė / Inclusive and creative society
dc.subject.ltMokyklų architektūra
dc.subject.enArchitecture of schools
dcterms.sourcetitleArchiforma: Tema: Architektūra saugomame kraštovaizdyje. Edukacinė architektūra Lietuvoje 1918-2018
dc.description.issueNr. 3-4

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