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dc.contributor.authorSkuodis, Šarūnas
dc.contributor.authorTamošiūnas, Tadas
dc.description.abstractKelio konstrukcijos praktiškai visur yra įrengiamos ant grunto masyvo, kuris turi užtikrinti reikiamą laikomąją galią ir leistinus kelio konstrukcijos nuosėdžius. Štai tada ir tampa itin aktualus geotechninis projektavimas. O sėkmingam geotechniniui projektavimui reikia patikimų geologinių duomenų.lit
dc.description.abstractRoad constructions is almost each time installed on soil mass, which ensures all construction bearing capacity and displacements. In this case arises geotechnical design as a very import part of the project. To achieve a successful design of the geotechnical project it is necessary to have a reliable engineering geological and geotechnical investigations. Researchers from Civil Engineering Research Centre of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University shears some knowledge about soil Young's modulus and soil shearing strength. Here it is given an explanation of different Young's modulus aplications, namely: Young's modulus E which can be obtained from cone penetration tests results; Eoed which can be obtained in the laboratory with oedometer test device; secant modulus E50 which can be obtained from triaxial tests results; resilient modulus Er which can be obtained from cyclic triaxial tests results; Evd which can be obtained from dynamic plate tests results; Ev2 which can be obtained from static plate tests results. Also, it is given an explanations of Evd and Ev2 controlled soil layer depth and its relations between each over and validation. Another explanation about soil shearing strength is related with angle of internal friction and cohesion. These two soil mechanical properties can be obtained providing soil testing with constant vertical stress or with constant sample height. Test with constant sample height should be realised for common structures. To use a constant sample height during testing procedure it is worth only when it is designed retaining walls. The soil mass, which is close to the retaining wall, during shearing behaves as a constant volume soil mass. From the shearing strength investigations it is possible to achieve information about soil peak and residual shearing strength. This information allows to design an emergency case of structure collapse.eng
dc.format.extentp. 70-72
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleKaip interpretuoti geotechninius duomenis?
dc.title.alternativeRecomendations for succesful interpretation of geotechnical data
dc.typeStraipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.type.pubtypeS6 - Straipsnis mokslo, meno populiarinimo leidinyje / Article in science, art promotion publication
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyStatybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 002 - Statybos inžinerija / Construction and engineering
dc.subject.vgtuprioritizedfieldsSD0101 - Pažangios statinių konstrukcijos / Smart building structures
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL104 - Nauji gamybos procesai, medžiagos ir technologijos / New production processes, materials and technologies
dc.subject.ltspecializationsC101 - Civilinės inžinerijos mokslo centras /
dc.subject.ltgeotechniniai duomenys
dc.subject.ltdeformacijų modulis
dc.subject.engeotechnical data
dc.subject.enstrain modulus
dcterms.sourcetitleLietuvos keliai
dc.description.issueNr. 2
dc.publisher.nameEx Arte

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