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dc.contributor.authorPlečkaitis, Marijus
dc.contributor.authorKarabanovas, Vitalijus
dc.contributor.authorJarockytė, Greta
dc.contributor.authorSukovienė, Agnė
dc.contributor.authorJagminas, Arūnas
dc.contributor.authorRotomskis, Ričardas
dc.description.abstractEfficient nanoprobes for multimodal bioimaging and therapeutic applications are in high demand. Therefore, nanomaterials exhibiting both magnetic and optical properties have been in the spotlight because of high potential for promising biomedical applications. In our study, we show that magnetic nanoparticles decorated with gold nanoclusters have a high applicability promise in the fields that are in need for multifunctional nanoprobes, e.g. for cancer diagnostics and therapy (theranostics). To evaluate the implementation possibilities of such multimodal nanoplatforms, we performed a variety of experiments assessing photophysical, photochemical characteristics and in vitro biocompatibility of magnetic nanoparticles decorated with gold nanoclusters. The experiments proved nanoparticles to have good optical properties and colloidal stability in various solutions (distilled water, PBS, cells growing media). Moreover, this nanoplatform demonstrated the reversible photoquenching effect – the ability to restore photoluminescence in the dark after irradiation with various wavelengths that induced photoquenching effect. During before mentioned process, additionally we noticed the formation of photoproducts. Further experimentations showed the generation of singlet oxygen species. Biodistribution of magnetic nanoparticles decorated with gold nanoclusters was evaluated at subcellular level using confocal laser scanning microscope. After assessing uptake dynamics of nanoparticles we performed cell viability assays with different cell lines and showed that at tested concentrations (from 0.25 to 2.5 mg/ml) nanoparticles had no cytotoxic effects. Therefore, the results of this study highlight the promising potential of magnetic nanoparticles decorated with gold nanoclusters for future bimodal bioimaging and cancer therapy purposes.eng
dc.format.extentp. 413
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleMagnetic nanoparticles decorated with gold nanoclusters – new theranostic nanoplatform
dc.typeKonferencijos pranešimo santrauka / Conference presentation abstract
dc.type.pubtypeT2 - Konferencijos pranešimo tezės / Conference presentation abstract
dc.contributor.institutionNacionalinis vėžio institutas
dc.contributor.institutionNacionalinis vėžio institutas Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionValstybinis mokslinių tyrimų institutas Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų centras
dc.contributor.institutionNacionalinis vėžio institutas Vilniaus universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyFundamentinių mokslų fakultetas / Faculty of Fundamental Sciences
dc.subject.researchfieldN 011 - Biofizika / Biophysics
dc.subject.researchfieldT 005 - Chemijos inžinerija / Chemical engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldN 003 - Chemija / Chemistry
dc.subject.vgtuprioritizedfieldsFM0202 - Ląstelių ir jų biologiškai aktyvių komponentų tyrimai / Investigations on cells and their biologically active components
dc.subject.ltspecializationsL105 - Sveikatos technologijos ir biotechnologijos / Health technologies and biotechnologies
dc.subject.enmagnetic nanoparticles
dc.subject.engold nanoclusters
dcterms.sourcetitleOpen readings 2019. 62nd international conference for students of physics and natural sciences, March 19-22, Vilnius, Lithuania : abstract book
dc.publisher.nameVilnius University

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