Now showing items 1-10 of 445
Research of radiocesium dynamics hydrophysical parameters in the Lithuanian lakes
The present work analyses the problem of radiocesium contamination of water bodies. The main object of research is the dynamics of radiocesium in water and bottom sediments of super warm Lithuanian lakes. The primary aim ...
Miesto įvaizdžio formavimo galimybės ir uždaviniai plėtojant centro aplinką
Irrespective of the previous investigations, dependence of the image of the urban environment on a combination between a) physical objects, b) relationship and connection between objects and c) dynamics of human activity ...
City Compactness and Modeling of Sustainable Development
The work describes the modern concepts of sustainable development emphasizing on compact city concept. The methodology for obtaining numerical expressions of compactness is developed and examples are shown.
Rekombinantinio žmogaus granulocitų kolonijas stimuliuojančio faktoriaus pasiskirstymas ir renatūracija vandens dvifazėse sistemose, dalyvaujant chelatuotiems metalų jonams
The contribution of Cys17 and surface-exposed histidine residues in rhG-CSF interaction with Cu(II), Ni(II) and Hg(II) ions chelated by Light Resistant Yellow 2KT-polyethylene glycol derivative was evaluated in aqueous ...
Evaluation of the impact of vertical movements of the Earth’s crust on levelling networks
The thesis presents the analysis of the impact of the recent vertical move-ments of the Earth‘s crust on the measurements of levelling as well as levelling networks submitting the results of theoretical research and practical ...
Superplačiajuosčių lėtinimo ir kreipimo sistemų modeliavimas ir analizė
Aim and tasks of the work. The aim of this work is to investigate insufficiently analyzed variants of the electrodynamic super-wide-band slow-wave structures, create their models, improve methods of analysis, analyze ...
Apkrauto raumens mechaninių charakteristikų tyrimas
Disertacijoje taikant eksperimentinius, statistinius, skaitmeninius tyrimo būdus nagrinėjamos apkrauto raumens mechaninės charakteristikos. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas – skirtingai apkrauto raumens savybės ir elgsena. Šio ...
Daugiatikslės analizės ir rizikos skaičiavimo derinimas vertinant pastatų gaisrinę saugą
Disertacijoje pateikiamas originalus būdas atlikti daugiatikslę pastatų analizę, atsižvelgiant į pastatų gaisrinę saugą. Parodoma, kaip įtraukti kiekybinius gaisrinės saugos rodiklius į standartinę daugiatikslę analizę. ...
New methods of the regulation of the main characteristics and technological parameters of ceramic products
There were developed the new and original methods, wich enable to regulate the final properties of ceramic articles by three factors: teh composition of formation mix, the regimes of drying and burning, evaluating the ...
Mokslo ir technologijų parkų plėtra: vadybos modeliai
Science and Technology Parks are one of organizational forms, designed for development of innovations, coordination of science research, studies, technology creation and implementation activity, and initiative of new ...