Recent Submissions

  • New Trends in Contemporary Economics, Business and Management. Selected Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024” 

    Davidavičienė, Vida; Skvarciany, Viktorija; Jurevičienė, Daiva; Matuzevičiūtė-Balčiūnienė, Kristina; Lapinskaitė, Indrė; Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva; Mačiulytė-Šniukienė, Alma; Korsakienė, Renata; Skačkauskienė, Ilona; Tamošiūnienė, Rima; Bublienė, Raimonda; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Verslo vadybos fakultetas / Faculty of Business Management (2024)
    The Proceedings contain the selected papers from five sections: Advanced Economic Development, Green Economy and Sustainable Development, Business Technologies and Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Finance and Investment: New ...
  • New Trends in Contemporary Economics, Business and Management. 14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024” 

    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Verslo vadybos fakultetas / Faculty of Business Management (2024)
  • Dissertation Template Based on Scientific Articles (EN) 

    Gurklienė, Audronė; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Biblioteka / Library; Knygų leidybos skyrius / Books Editorial Department; Žurnalų leidybos skyrius / Journals Department (2024)
  • Disertacijos straipsnių pagrindu maketavimo šablonas (LT) 

    Gurklienė, Audronė; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Biblioteka / Library; Knygų leidybos skyrius / Books Editorial Department; Žurnalų leidybos skyrius / Journals Department (2024)
  • Dissertation Formatting Template (EN) 

    Gurklienė, Audronė; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Biblioteka / Library; Knygų leidybos skyrius / Books Editorial Department; Žurnalų leidybos skyrius / Journals Department (2024)
  • Disertacijos maketavimo šablonas (LT) 

    Gurklienė, Audronė; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Biblioteka / Library; Knygų leidybos skyrius / Books Editorial Department; Žurnalų leidybos skyrius / Journals Department (2024)
  • The protection of violated consumer rights in the context of realization a good governance principles under the European Union law 

    Kalesnykas, Raimundas; Jucevičius, Ramūnas (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
    Article 41 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights establishes the implementation of individuals fundamental right to good administration, according to which the good governance practice of public administration institutions ...
  • Metai ir dienos. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas 2022 m. 

    Juršaitė, Ona; Galvydis, Konradas; Katinaitė-Griežienė, Asta; Pranckutė, Raminta (2024)
    Leidinyje aprašomi Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto 2022 metų svarbiausieji įvykiai, mokslo ir studijų plėtotė, tarptautinis bendradarbiavimas, dalyvavimas tarptautinėse konferencijose, senato ir rektorato priimti ...
  • Assessment of the effect of regulator’s communication on the financial market participants 

    Freimanis, Kristaps; Šenfelde, Maija (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    There is significant discussion in the academia and industry regarding over-regulation and under-regulation of the financial markets. Some discussion has been devoted to the transparency requirements for market players ...
  • NII forecasting model for local Baltic banks IRRBB management 

    Žigienė, Gerda; Valukonis, Mantas (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    This paper contributes to the existent literature and the current discussions on regulatory changes towards bank exposure to interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) aiming to provide the model on the computation ...
  • Research on the use of AdTech in FinTech companies 

    Gustaitė, Akvilė; Miečinskienė, Algita (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    The FinTech sector is booming with record funding and investment every year. It is no surprise that the industry is becoming remarkably attractive to new business players and, as a result, increasingly competitive. To cut ...
  • Investment characteristics of Indonesian government bond market during the COVID-19 pandemic 

    Ganchev, Alexander (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    The purpose of the study is to define the main investment characteristics of the Indonesian government bond market during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of the analysis is the yield to maturity yield curve of Indonesian ...
  • Efficiency of anti-money laundering: the case of Northern European countries 

    Truskauskas, Gintas; Taujanskaitė, Kamilė (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    As money laundering is a highly threatening and dangerous activity, its damage is only discussed when the consequences of these illegal activities become public, thus such kinds of investigations are particularly relevant. ...
  • Challenges and opportunities for investment in Afghanistan during the coalition forces’ support for the government 

    Güvenek, Burcu; Karaçor, Zeynep; Khatir, Abdul Qahar (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    The purpose of this research is to look into the obstacles and opportunities to investment in Afghanistan during the coalition forces support for the Republic of Afghanistan. For the mentioned purpose World Bank (WB) ...
  • Corporate debt and earnings management: evidence from Slovakia 

    Valaskova, Katarina; Gajdosikova, Dominika (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    Several different models have been developed worldwide to detect manipulative financial reporting in enterprises. These earnings management practices help enterprises improve their financial performance or gain some ...
  • Investigating an individual’s opinion on social media about the cryptocurrency market 

    Rajah Rahuf; Maknickienė, Nijolė (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    Cryptocurrencies are growing rapidly, with various altcoin being introduced recently, despite the fact that the market is very volatile, cryptocurrency now holds trillions of dollars in the market and has plenty of platforms ...
  • Use of derivative financial instruments for risk management 

    Garškaitė-Milvydienė, Kristina (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    The dynamic nature of international financial markets has contributed to a broader use of various financial instruments, ranging from the simplest traditional instruments, such as bonds, to various forms of derivatives. A ...
  • Investigation and evaluation of speed table influence on road traffic induced Ground borne vibration 

    Astrauskas, Tomas; Grubliauskas, Raimondas; Januševičius, Tomas (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
    Vertical Speed Control Measures are vertical elevated segments of roadway that require a vehicle to slow. Typical vertical speed control measures include speed humps, speed tables, raised sidewalks and raised intersections. ...
  • Investigation of financial fraud detection by using computational intelligence 

    Vosyliūtė, Ieva; Maknickienė, Nijolė (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    Due to increasing technical capabilities, financial fraud becomes more sophisticated and more difficult to detect. As there are various categories and typologies of financial fraud, different detection techniques may be ...
  • Familiarity bias investigation in portfolio creation 

    Maknickienė, Nijolė; Martinkutė-Kaulienė, Raimonda; Rapkevičiūtė, Lina (12th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2022”, 2022)
    The prevailing opinion exists that investors include to their portfolio what they know or what is located around them. Investment decision, which is impacted by familiarity bias, avoid including international companies to ...

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