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  • CSR-related managerial decision-making preferences in the CEE region (Results of the GLOBE student research) 

    Remišová, Anna; Lašáková, Anna (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014)
    Paper presents empirical findings from the GLOBE Student research (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) and offers new insights into the field of managerial preferences related to the corporate ...
  • Trends in international business of the Slovak small and medium food enterprises 

    Mura, Ladislav; Buleca, Ján (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014)
    Small and medium enterprises today create an organic part of the market economy. Their importance for the national economy, but also from microeconomic perspective is unquestionable. At present the trends in small and ...
  • An integrated multi-criteria group decision making process: selection of the chief accountant 

    Keršulienė, Violeta; Turskis, Zenonas (Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014)
    Many individual attributes are considered in the selection of personnel accountants such as organization abilities, creativity, personality, and leadership demonstration. In the preceding decade the enormous economic and ...
  • Enhancement of gravity ventilation in buildings 

    Nakielska, Magdalena; Pawłowski, Krzysztof (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
    Nowadays, people are looking for solutions related to ventilation, cooling or heat demand systems, which would be energy efficient and, at the same time, would not cause the degradation of the surrounding environment. As ...
  • Efficiency of natural ventilation in central greenhouse of Botanical garden in Kosice 

    Kovac, Martin; Kovacova, Katarina; Sedlakova, Anna (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
    The object of paper is analysis of natural ventilation system in central greenhouse of Botanical garden in Kosice. The greenhouse was refurbished in 2015. The existing greenhouse covering from glass panels was replaced for ...

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