Now showing items 81-100 of 238

    • Globalizacijos procesų įtaka Europos Sąjungos nekilnojamojo turto rinkoms 

      Švogžlys, Povilas; Chlivickas, Eugenijus (Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis : Verslas XXI amžiuje = Science - future of Lithuania : Business in XXI Century, 2016)
      Pirkėjai, pardavėjai, investuotojai ar tarpininkai, dalyvaujantys nekilnojamojo turto pirkimo-pardavimo procesuose, esminiais faktoriais, veikiančiais kainą, dažniausiai laiko vietą, kaimynystę, infrastruktūrą bei buto ...
    • High technologies sector under the conditions of the European integration: innovative development 

      Melnikas, Borisas (The 2-dn International scientific conference „Contemporary issues in business, management and education 2013", 2014)
      This paper analyses the needs and priorities of the creation and further development of high technologies sector in the European Union. The general and specific trends of the creation of high technologies sector in the ...
    • High technology sector’s development: the needs of effective innovation support 

      Žemaitis, Eigirdas; Vilys, Mantas; Jakubavičius, Artūras (Viešasis administravimas = Public administration, 2015)
      Internationalisation of the research and development (R & D) and innovation activities are important contemporary management thematic directions. Rapid developments in creative economy and democratisation of networking ...
    • Human centered management in executive education: global imperatives, innovation and new directions 

      Lepeley, Maria-Teresa; Kimakowitz, Ernst von; Bardy, Roland; Brusoni, Manuela; Cusumano, Niccolo; Guerra, Massiel; Mandakovic, Vesna; Pizarro, Olga; Tarr, Ronald W; Weeks Jr, Joseph; Biygautane, Mhamed; Arbaiza, Lydia; Dierksmeier, Claus; Hoegl, Katharina; Wihlenda, Michael; Amann, Wolfgang; Tripathi, Shiv; Khan, Shiban; Ray, Subhasis; Chlivickas, Eugenijus; Melnikas, Borisas; Majluf, Nicolas; Vargas-Hernández, José; Rivera, Luis; Aguado, Ricardo; Albareda, Laura; Silva, Anielson Barbosa da; Massaro, Maurizio; Garlatti, Andrea; Holly, Mary Lopez; Morales, Oswaldo; Puertas, Julio; Vertiz, Hugo (2016)
      Human Centered Management in Executive Education presents a comprehensive insight on innovation and a unique global scope that integrates the experiences of 32 distinguished scholars over 15 countries. This book aims to ...
    • Human resources in the public sector: education and training systems for public administration specialists in the context of internationalization and networking 

      Chlivickas, Eugenijus; Melnikas, Borisas (Jedność norm i wartości : zbiór studiów dedykowanych profesor Marii Gintowt-Jankowicz, [komitet red. Jan Pastwa et al.], 2014)
    • Human resources management in the public sector: development priorities under conditions of interantionalization 

      Chlivickas, Eugenijus (Viešasis administravimas = Public administration, 2015)
      Human resources system is concurrent with establishment of new quality since the aim of the latter is to create an integrated and manageable system of network of central and local government human resources and to ensure ...
    • Impact assessment of public innovation support in European economic area 

      Vilys, Mantas; Jakubavičius, Artūras; Žemaitis, Eigirdas (Business, management and education = Verslas, vadyba ir studijos, 2015)
      The object of this paper is related to the public innovation support in European Economic Area and its effectiveness assessment. Main aim of the research presented in this paper is to propose new model for public innovation ...
    • Improvement Integration of Scientific Institutions R&D Activities Into Industrial Enterprise Activities 

      Bonikatas, Edmundas
      In this Master‘s degree Thesis a problem of collaboration difficulties between scientific institutions and industrial enterprises is analysed. Current literature on the subject and current situation of the subject is ...
    • Information system for construction contracts structural analysis 

      Trinkūnienė, Eva; Trinkūnas, Vaidotas (The 2-dn International scientific conference „Contemporary issues in business, management and education 2013", 2014)
      The luck of all projects is closely related to the right prepared contract. Construction contracts are regulated under civil law. There are major and additional conditions in the contract. The main problem is that construction ...
    • Innovation activities of enterprises in economic space of the European Union 

      Peyravi, Bahman (Viešasis administravimas = Public administration, 2015)
      Innovation activities of enterprises in economic space of the European Union are analyzed in this article. It is noted that innovation activities is especially impor-tant factor of the sustainable development and economic ...
    • Innovation management studies: technological advance and challenges of globalization 

      Melnikas, Borisas (The 9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016”, May 12–13, 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2016)
      The essence, principles, the needs and opportunities of the improvement of the innovation management studies, as well as main priorities and trends of the innovation management specialists education and training systems ...
    • Innovation strategies for the European Union 

      Melnikas, Borisas (Viešasis administravimas = Public administration, 2015)
      The present publication deals with possibilities for the development of innovation activities, new forms of economic, social and technological headway designed to create and further improve economies based on knowledge and ...
    • Innovations for negotiations: electronic support systems 

      Peleckis, Kęstutis (The priorities of the world science: experiments and scientific debate : proceedings of the XI International scientific conference, 15-16 June 2016 = Приоритеты мировой науки: эксперимент и научная дискуссия : материалы XI международной научной конференции, Северный Чарльстон, Южная Каролина, США 15-16 июня 2016 года, 2016)
    • Innovations in the context of the knowledge based society creation: new theoretical approach 

      Melnikas, Borisas (Economics and culture = Ekonomika un kultūra, 2015)
      The present publication deals with possibilities for the development of new forms of economic, social and technological headway designed to create and further improve economies based on knowledge and high technologies ...
    • Innovations in the practice of production and trade enterprises in EU countries 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Janušauskienė, Vita Marytė (Ekonomia – Wroclaw Economic Review, 2016)
      Nevertheless, the European Commission’s (2013) study shows the declining contribution of production enterprises to GDP. Eurostat (2010) statistics show that small and medium-sized manufacturing companies are very slow to ...
    • Innovative approaches in the management of competitiveness of businesses 

      Bezpartochnyi, Maksym; Živitere, Marga; Riashchenko, Viktoriia; Bibilashvili, Lia; Ioan, Catalin Angelo; Ioan, Gina; Davulis, Gediminas; Vutsova, Albena; Topleva, Silviya; Bebnadze, Khatuna; Mishchuk, Igor; Butvilas, Tomas; Butvilė, Jūratė; Zinkevičiūtė, Virgilija; Vasilis Vasiliauskas, Aidas; Rumanovská, Ľubica; Lazíková, Jarmila; Fehér, Alexander; Takáč, Ivan; Benda, Renáta; Witek, Lucyna; Szalonka, Katarzyna; Dimkow, Svetoslav; Ianioglo, Nadejda; Litvin, Aurelia; Coser, Cornel; Putuntean, Nina; Toma, Sorin-George; Marinescu, Paul; Gradinaru, Catalin; Dodonov, Оleg; Potoyalo, Yana; Miszczak, Katarzyna; Poór, József; Juhász, Timea; Imre, Madarász; Horbulák, Zsolt; Szabó, Ingrid; Antalik, Imrich; Kovács, Ildikó Éva; Dús, Miklós; Tőzsér, Györgyi Gábrielné; Vinogradov, Szergej; Kollár, Csaba; Rinkova, Stanka; Atanasova, Irina (2016)
      Authors of study within the monograph came to conclusion that need use of innovative approaches to business development and management of competitiveness, methodical toolkit of forecasting of business development, formation ...
    • Innovative SMEs by gender and age around the mare Balticum : [this book contains the presented papers and a summary of the discussion of the participants of the 9th Hanseatic conference, 17-19 February 2014, Hamburg] 

      Ginevičius, Romualdas; Hogeforster, Jurgen; Hogeforster, Max; Jarke, Philipp; Odenrick, Per; Olczyk, Magdalena; Starnawska, Marzena (2014)
      At the 9th Hanseatic Conference 2014 in Hamburg, representatives from business organisations, academic institutions and policy makers from all countries around the Baltic Sea exchanged their experiences. This book contains ...
    • Innovative trends in human resource management: a case study of Lithuanian and Latvian organisations 

      Lobanova, Liudmila; Ozolina-Ozola, Iveta (International journal of transitions and innovation systems, 2014)
      The article discusses innovative trends and significant aspects of human resource management practices in the context of high performance human resource management regarding the challenges of sustainable development and ...
    • Inovacijoms palankios aplinkos kūrimas 

      Maceika, Augustinas; Šostak, Olga Regina (Verslas: teorija ir praktika = Business: theory and practice, 2014)
      Šio straipsnio tikslas – nustatyti būdus, kurie būtų naudingi inovacijoms palankios aplinkos kūrimo procesui pagerinti. Tuo tikslu buvo ištirtos inovacinės veiklos sąlygos pramonės įmonėse, atliktas atrinktų žinių ir ...
    • Inovacijų įtaka šalies konkurencingumui 

      Jakubelskas, Ugnius (21-osios Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos "Mokslas - Lietuvos ateitis" teminės konferencijos Verslas XXI amžiuje vykusios 2018 m. vasario 8-9 d. Vilniuje : straipsnių rinkinys = Proceedings of the 21st conference for junior researchers " Science - future of Lithuania" Business in XXI century 8-9 February 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2018)
      Kadangi konkurencingumo ir inovacijų sąvokos kasdieniniame gyvenime vis dažniau tapatinamos tarpusavyje, atsiranda būtinybė nagrinėti šių dalykų priklausomybę ir įtaką mūsų kasdieniniame gyvenime. Šios straipsnio tikslas ...