• Cross-cultural analysis of burnout among educators of Higher Education 

      Mironova, Jūlija; Sloka, Biruta (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      Burnout arise as an emerging topic at the end of the 20th century, especially in such profession as teaching, and since then there is ongoing discussion of its influence on different processes in organisation, as well as ...
    • Do quality and internationalization interrelate in higher education? 

      Opmane, Krista; Zeps, Artūrs; Inga Lapiņa (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      This article presents a methodical review of the literature focusing on the relationship between quality and internationalization. The authors have formulated a research query for the literature review: How do quality and ...
    • Generative tools of AI in education 

      Mironova, Julija; Riiascshenko, Viktoria; Bondarenko, Andrey; Kinderis, Remigijus; Verdenhofa, Olga (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      Since generative tools of Artificial Intelligence appeared in education, ongoing discussion arose. Still, higher education institutions argue if generative tools can be used, and if yes, what exactly can be accepted. The ...
    • Main standards for internal and external quality assurance in the European higher education area 

      Stukalina, Yulia (10th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2018”, 2018)
      The purpose of this paper is to provide a synthesis of the official documents that regulate quality assurance activities in a modern univertsity. The principal objectives of the paper are to discuss the main standards for ...
    • Strategy development process in higher education institutions 

      Zeps, Arturs; Ribickis, Leonids (8th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2014”, 2014)
      Higher education institutions need well-considered strategy with clear action plan that sets development path for the university. Though it is important not only to create a strategy but also to pay attention to the ...
    • Triple helix model in practice in the Czech republic 

      Tetřevová, Liběna (7th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2012”, 2012)
      The paper deals with the problem of the triple helix model, from the points of view of both its theoretical basis and the practical effects of its application in the Czech Republic. The introduction explains the nature of ...