Now showing items 1-20 of 1878

    • 1918-1940 m. statyba Lietuvoje 

      Likas, Gendrikas (Mokslo ir technikos raida Lietuvoje : mokslo istorikų konferencijos, įvykusios Vilniuje 2002 m. lapkričio 26 d., pranešimai, 2002)
    • 1918-1940 metų Lietuvos statybos įstatymai bei normos 

      Likas, Gendrikas (Urbanistika ir architektūra : Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto ir Lietuvos mokslų akademijos mokslo žurnalas, 2001)
      The article presents a short history of the preparation of construction regulations in Lithuania in the period 1918-1940. After the proclamation of independence by the Lithuanian Council on 16 February 1918 the most important ...
    • 1997-2000 metų mokyklų renovacijos rezultatai: tyrimai, išvados, rekomendacijos 

      Ignatavičius, Česlovas; Ignatavičius, Gytautas; Tuomas, Edvardas (2002)
    • 3D printing technology as a method for discovering new creative opportunities for architecture and design 

      Krūgelis, Linas (Landscape architecture and art, 2018)
      3D printing technology has been in existence for several decades and has long been used exclusively for industrial manufacturing or product prototyping, and today this rapidly progressing technology penetrates more and ...
    • 4D architektūroje 

      Lupeikis, Kęstutis; Mačiulis, Algimantas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 2011)
      Pastaruoju metu, šalia kitų reiškinių, šiuolaikinėje architektūroje vis aktyviau reiškiasi ketvirtosios dimensijos vaidmuo. Šį procesą lemia priešprieša pragmatiškam funkcionalizmui, utilitarumui, unifikacijai, formaliam ...
    • A bird's eye view of the Lithuanian landscape 

      Nekrošius, Liutauras (Проект Балтия = Project Baltia: Архитектурный ландшафт = Architectural landscape, 2016)
    • A comprehensive methodology for assessing the quality of landscape architecture study programmes in European higher education institutions 

      Stauskis, Gintaras; de Vries, Jeroen (Landscape architecture and art, 2018)
      In the light of recent environmental and socio-economic challenges that face the modern urban regions, the implication of current needs for education quality has been discussed. Now a fur ther step for practical actions ...
    • A hybrid fuzzy BWM-COPRAS method for analyzing key factors of sustainable architecture 

      Mahdiraji, Hannan Amoozad; Arzaghi, Sepas; Stauskis, Gintaras; Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras (Sustainability, 2018)
      Sustainable development by emphasizing on satisfying the current needs of the general public without threating their futures, alongside with taking the environment and future generations under consideration, has become one ...
    • A klasės pastate svarbiausia - racionalumas 

      Babickas, Darius; Čaikauskas, Gintaras (Statyba ir architektūra, 2014)
      Ekonominė krizė ne visuomet atneša tik praradimų. Statybų bendrovei „YIT Kausta“ kurį laiką sustabdytas projektas suteikė progą permąstyti planus, po to nuspręsta tęsti aukštesnio kokybės lygio statybas, siekti didesnio ...
    • A new approach for raster images annotation 

      Kazakevičiūtė-Januškevičienė, Girūta; Januškevičius, Eugenijus (Information technologies'2011 : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies, IT 2011. Kaunas, Lithuania, April 27-29, 2011 / Kaunas University of Technology, 2011)
      Growth of media data creates huge problems when searching and classifying the depicted objects. Currently search is based either on surrounding context, which is irrelevant in most cases, provided image meta data sets or ...
    • A new approach to business ethics: review of Tomas Kavaliauskas 

      Samalavičius, Almantas Liudas (Homo oeconomicus, 2012)
    • A new method for the determination of the boominess radius 

      Stauskis, Vytautas-Jonas (Statyba = Civil engineering, 1997)
      Siūlomas naujas aidumo radiuso nustatymo metodas, naudojant eksperimentu gautas integralines garso lauko augimo ir slopimo kreives. Aidumo radiusas, arba kritinė distancija, iki šiol buvo skaičiuojamas tik pagal teorinę ...
    • A. CIBIC mikrotikrovė 

      Truskauskienė, Eglė (Namas ir aš, 2007)
    • AB "Dainava"pastato rekonstrukcijos projektas. Vilnius 

      Riaubienė, Edita (Archiforma, 1999)
      During the last decade the building of the Dainava restaurant has experienced the times of diversity of functions and continuous changes, what deeply impacted on the change of its structure and view. According to the present ...
    • AB "Lietuvos energija" valdybos pastato renovacija. Vilnius 

      Buivydas, Rimantas (Archiforma, 2003)
    • Ability of architects to see autopoietic environmental features 

      Petrušonis, Vytautas (Architecture and urban planning = Arhitektūra un pilsetplānošana, 2021)
      This article discusses the way of rating the competency of architects through their ability to recognize the autopoietic properties of architecture in developed urban projects. The following theoretical methods were used: ...
    • Abnormal acoustic phenomena in a cinema hall with a dolby surround-recording system 

      Stauskis, Vytautas-Jonas (Acta acustica united with acustica : the journal of the European Acoustics Association (EAA). International journal on acoustics, 2002)
    • Abnormal acoustic phenomena in a cinema hall with a dolby surround-recording system 

      Stauskis, Vytautas-Jonas (Official Publication of the Forum Acuticum Sevilla 2002 : 3rd European Congress on Acoustics. XXXIII Spanish Congress on Acoustics Tecniacustica 2002. European and Japanese Symposium on Acoustics. 3rd Iberian Congress on Acoustics : Special Issue of the journal Revista de Acústica, Vol. XXXIII, año 2002 [CD], 2002)
      The maximum sound energy in a reconstructed cinema hall increaes by 5 - 7 dB at the frequencies of 125 - 500 Hz. This occurs only in the time interval from 0 to 140 ms. At 1000 - 4000 Hz, the energy increase amounts to 4-8 ...
    • Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference IMPERFECT MODERNISM (2024) 

      Didenko, Kateryna; Stančius, Dovydas; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Architektūros fakultetas / Faculty of Architecture (2024)
      The conference considers modernist architecture as a multilayered phenomenon and as an expression of a holistic architectural idea, which was refracted depending on the policies of the states on whose territory it was ...
    • Acoustic properties of an isolated large-size resonator with a cylindrical hole 

      Stauskis, Vytautas-Jonas (Building acoustics, 2009)
      The paper examines the acoustical properties of an isolated large-size resonator with a cylindrical hole. The method for calculating sound absorption and both real and imaginary parts of impedance has been worked out. The ...