Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Connections between the academic achievement, vocational selection, and careers of pilots 

      Rimša, Vytautas; Radzevičienė, Aldona; Latvėnas, Mantvydas (Social sciences, 2023)
      Research demonstrates that a pilot should have specific skills and abilities. Therefore, professional aptitude tests developed by AGAI are used to select the best graduates for the pilot profession. This research investigates ...
    • Experience of Lithuanian migrants: the social construction of networks and identities 

      Bučaitė-Vilkė, Jurga; Rosinaitė, Vikinta; Yoshino, Etsuo (Filosofija. Sociologija, 2011)
      The article deals with the role of social networks in facilitating migration and maintaining ties of information, emotional support and financial assistance among emigrants’ host and origin countries. The aim of the study ...
    • Features of post-modern career development 

      Rosinaitė, Vikinta (GAI International Academic Conferences Proceedings, June 11-13, 2017, New York, United States: 2017 New York International Academic Conference Proceedings, 2017)
      Recent transformational changes influenced changes in the concept of a career. In the beginning of nineteenth century, career was defined as the progressive course of professional activity. As the environment of career ...
    • Ogrodnictwo społeczne jako inicjatywa obywatelska: na przykładzie wileńskiego Ogrodu Antokolskiego (lit. Antakalniečių Sodas) 

      Lelek, Zuzanna; Kontrimovičius, Robertas (Obywatelskość 2.0: zaangażowane narracje o obywatelskości młodych mieszkańców Litwy i Polski : zbiór rozpraw = Pilietiškumas 2.0: Socialiai angažuoti pasakojimai apie jaunų Lietuvos ir Lenkijos piliečių pilietiškumą : darbų rinkinys, 2016)
      W artykule opisana została historia obywatelskiej inicjatywy ‒ miejskiego ogrodu społecznego. Współcześnie, zaprezentowane przedsięwzięcie zaczyna być coraz bardziej popularne w miastach europejskich. W pierwszej części ...
    • The construction of Lithuanian migrants’ professional career paths: moving up and down career track 

      Rosinaitė, Vikinta; Bučaitė-Vilkė, Jurga (Filosofija. Sociologija, 2012)
      In this paper we analyse the professional career paths in migration, pointing out the construction of professional career as the modern pattern of social behaviour. The chosen theory of career construction provides the ...
    • Theoretical framework of attachment models in education: Analysis of social control theory variables 

      Mehmet, Aslan; Rosinaitė, Vikinta (Socialinis ugdymas, 2021)
      Researchon schools and educational institutions have conventionally focused on evaluation, avoidance, and measurement with numerous strategic factors that have impact on educational performance of students in regard with ...