Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • A bibliometric analysis of river restoration 

      Survilė, Oksana; Kalibatienė, Diana (12th International conference "Environmental Engineering", 27-28 April 2023, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, 2023)
      Increasing environmental pollution and human intervention in nature today require the restoration, study, and monitoring of the positive effects on water quality in the restored rivers. Consequently, the main research ...
    • Automated system-level anomaly detection and classification using modified random forest 

      Gyamfi, Nana Kwame; Čeponis, Dainius; Goranin, Nikolaj (Proceedings of 2022 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC), 24-26 May 2022, Victoria, TX, USA, 2022)
      It is imperative for Internet-based services to monitor service performance closely and detect anomalies as soon as possible. Despite this, deploying anomaly detectors to a particular service is still an extremely challenging ...
    • Big data application for traffic estimation on a website: Big daddy case 

      Singh, Shubham Udairaj; Banelienė, Rūta (Program of 17th Prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference, 2 December 2022 : virtual konference, 2022)
      Living under rapidly changing conditions innovation, flexibility and readiness to change are grounding prosperity of the firm. But any changes for companies should be reasoned and made on the basis of analytical approach. ...
    • Big data application for traffic estimation on a website: Big daddy case 

      Singh, Shubham Udairaj; Banelienė, Rūta (17th Prof. Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Conference, Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty, 2nd of December, 2022 : reviewed selected papers, 2023)
      While living under rapidly changing conditions innovation, flexibility and readiness to change are grounding prosperity of the firm. But any changes for companies should be reasoned and made on the basis of analytical ...
    • Ensuring sustainable freight carriage through interoperability between maritime and rail transport 

      Jarašūnienė, Aldona; Čižiūnienė, Kristina (Sustainability: Special issue: Road traffic engineering and sustainable transportation - the second edition, 2021)
      With increasing freight flows and their carriage, sustainability in the transport sector is one of today’s key challenges. With expanding geographical coverage of consumers, manufacturers and all participants in the logistics ...
    • Forecasting of successful completion of university study programs: data pre-processing and optimization of LAMA BPO algorithm 

      Iurasov, Aleksei; Iurasov, Artur (Applied business: Issues & solutions, 2022)
      Lithuanian school graduates wishing to be admitted to state-funded places at universities undergo a competitive selection based on their final school and state exam grades. The problem of organizing competitive selection ...
    • Malware detection using convolutional neural network, a deep learning framework: comparative analysis 

      Gyamfi, Nana Kwame; Goranin, Nikolaj; Čeponis, Dainius; Čenys, Antanas (Journal of internet services and information security, 2022)
      Malware detection is a quintessential task for every security for securing work stations, mobile devices, servers etc. This detection is mainly used for identifying malware that are causing malicious problems. The traditional ...
    • Pacientų įtraukties įrankių integravimas į ligoninės informacinę sistemą: bibliometrinė analizė ir atvejo tyrimas 

      Trinkūnas, Justas; Puronaitė, Roma (Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis. Informacinės technologijos ir multimedija = Science – Future of Lithuania. Information technologies and multimedia, 2022)
      Pacientų įtraukties įrankiai yra naudingi viešajam interesui, siekiant gerinti sveikatos priežiūros kokybę ir įvertinti pacientų poreikius bei prioritetus, nes padeda nustatyti esamas kliūtis. Siekiant išsiaiškinti pacientų ...
    • Students’ learning outcomes in remote learning: initial analysis 

      Brandišauskienė, Agnė; Iurasova, Olga; Iurasov, Aleksei; Kemerytė-Ivanauskienė, Eglė (8th SWS International Scientific Conference on Social Sciences - ISCSS 2021, 19–22 August, 2021, 2021)
      At the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of countries had to reorganise their education systems in a very short time by organising remote learning for students in general education schools. This change affected the ...
    • Метод авторизации на основе разложения чисел на простые сомножители 

      Kurylets, Anastasiya; Smelov, Vladimir; Goranin, Nikolaj (Proceedings of BSTU. Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2021)
      Статья посвящена описанию метода авторизации на основе разложения чисел на простые сомножители. В ней представлено формальное описание системы авторизации, включающей субъекты и объекты авторизации, а также алгоритмы ...