Now showing items 1-20 of 43

    • A model of recent vertical movements of the earth’s surface in Lithuania: integration of geodetic levelling data and geological parameters 

      Zakarevičius, Algimantas; Šliaupa, Saulius; Anikėnienė, Asta; Dėnas, Žydrūnas; Šliaupienė, Rasa (Geologija, 2008)
      The precise geodetic levelling reveals the recent activity of the vertical movements of the earth’s crust. However, the main shortcoming of the levelling networks is scarceness of the measurement tracks that cannot be ...
    • An application of fluorescent tracer to groundwater tracking 

      Klima, Vigilija; Jakimavičiūtė Maselienė, Vaidotė; Girgždienė, Raselė; Ivanec-Goranina, Rūta (Open chemistry, 2015)
      A well network at a potential new nuclear site in Lithuania examined a semi-confined intertill aquifer 10–19 m deep and an unconfined aquifer 4.5–9 m deep. Tracer results indicate a northwest flow direction and great ...
    • Analysis of roadbed soil properies in Šiauliai region 

      Dundulis, Kastytis; Gadeikis, Saulius; Juzėnas, Antanas Aloyzas; Račkauskas, Vytautas (Litosfera, 2000)
    • Correlation between shear wave velocity and cone resistance of Quaternary glacial clayey soils defined by Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT), Lithuania 

      Gadeikis, Saulius; Dundulis, Kastytis Juozas; Žaržojus, Gintaras; Gadeikienė, Sonata; Urbaitis, Donatas; Gribulis, Domas; Šliaupa, Saulius; Gabrielaitis, Linas (Journal of vibroengineering, 2013)
      The correlation between the cone resistance and the shear wave velocities was derived for the Quaternary glacial clayey soil (moraine) using Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT) technique. The correlation obtained between ...
    • Correlation of shear-wave velocities and cone resistance of quaternary glacial sandy soils defined by Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT) 

      Gadeikis, Saulius; Dundulis, Kastytis Juozas; Žaržojus, Gintaras; Gadeikienė, Sonata; Urbaitis, Donatas; Gribulis, Domas; Šliaupa, Saulius (Journal of vibroengineering, 2012)
      The derivation of dynamic geotechnical parameters of soil are of primary importance in designing specific structures. Direct measurements are expensive and time-consuming. In this study the correlation between the seismic ...
    • Decontamination of heavy-metal polluted soil by electrokinetic remediation 

      Greičiūtė, Kristina; Vasarevičius, Saulius (Geologija, 2007)
      The electrokinetic method used for remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals is a new developing technique for cleaning soil from heavy metals and radionuclides. By feeding an electric current through soil one ...
    • Design basis earthquake of the Ignalina nuclear power plant 

      Šliaupa, Saulius; Kačianauskas, Rimantas; Markauskas, Darius; Dundulis, Gintautas; Ušpuras, Eugenijus (Geologija, 2006)
      Skaičiavimai paremti priklausomybėmis, nustatytomis artimiems žemės drebėjimams Japonijoje. Ankstesniuose tyrimuose dažniausiai naudoti tolimų žemės drebėjimų duomenys lėmė reikšmingas klaidas, ypač žemų dažnių intervale, ...
    • Energy transfer measuring in dynamic probing test in layered geological strata 

      Žaržojus, Gintaras; Kelevišius, Kęstutis; Amšiejus, Jonas (Procedia engineering, 2013)
      Static and dynamic probes are commonly used performing engineering geological investigations in Lithuania. Due to their peculiarities, static cone penetration tests (CPTu) are most suitable for penetration of relatively ...
    • Evaluation of moraine loams' filtration properties 

      Klizas, Petras; Gadeikis, Saulius; Žilionienė, Daiva (The Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering, 2015)
      In Lithuania, surface moraine loam, clay and other lithologic varieties with low permeability take around 60% of the territory. Roads, railway tracks, bridges, dumps intended for keeping waste of different level of danger ...
    • Experimental and theoretical study of pollutant dispersion along a highway 

      Kubiliute, Evelina; Špakauskas, Valdas (Geologija, 2007)
      A model of particle dispersion when there is a crosswind was created on the grounds of the Gaussian distribution of particles over a road. When the wind is absent, a cylindrical cut-shaped whirl of dust immediately changes ...
    • Experimental research on removal of iron and ammonium ions from groundwater by natural silica sand 

      Valentukevičienė, Marina (Geologija, 2008)
      An experimental study of the removal of iron and ammonium ions from groundwater by natural silica sand was carried out. Coarse sand particles were used (0.7–2.0 mm): the silica sand filter medium being 750 mm heigh. Silica ...
    • Factors that influence analcime formation 

      Navickas, Arūnas Aleksandras; Špokauskas, Alfonsas Algimantas; Štuopys, Arminas (Geologija, 2003)
      Natural conditions of analcime formation, determined by geochemists (prolonged duration of synthesis, high pressure and temperature) cannot be applied in industry. Usually, analcime is synthesised at high temperatures (over ...
    • Geodetic network deformation based on GPS data in the Baltic region 

      Zakarevičius, Algimantas; Šliaupa, Saulius; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras; Stanionis, Arminas (Geodezija ir kartografija, 2008)
      For investigating horizontal deformations of geodetic networks, the data of GPS measurements of the epochs about 1992 and 2003 were used. To avoid the impact of the discrepancy of the systems of coordinates upon the ...
    • Heavy metal concentrations in roadside soils of Lithuania’s highways 

      Mikalajūnė, Audronė; Baltrėnas, Pranas; Kazlauskienė, Agnė (Geologija, 2008)
      With the number of vehicles increasing, the analysis of highway roadside soils for contamination by heavy metals becomes expedient. This article deals with contamination by heavy metals of the roadsides of the Vilnius–Ka ...
    • Heavy metal contamination in surface runoff sediments of the urban area of Vilnius, Lithuania 

      Ignatavičius, Gytautas; Valskys, Vaidotas; Bulskaya, Ina; Paliulis, Dainius; Zigmontienė, Aušra; Satkūnas, Jonas (Estonian journal of earth sciences, 2017)
      Surface runoff from urbanized territories carries a wide range of pollutants. Sediments in untreated runoff from direct discharge stormwater systems significantly contribute to urban waterway pollution. In this study, heavy ...
    • Improvement of storm water runoff treatment system with natural mineral sorbent 

      Kubiliute, Evelina (Geologija, 2007)
      Rain and snowmelt water contaminated with petroleum products, heavy metals and other pollutants flows into roadside drainage ditches. The proposed system of runoff treatment contains a sorbtive of 0.2 m layer sand and 10% ...
    • Indirect determination of soil Young’s modulus in Lithuania using cone penetration test data 

      Tamošiūnas, Tadas; Žaržojus, Gintaras; Skuodis, Šarūnas (The Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering, 2022)
      Simplified methods based on cone penetration test results are commonly used to determine soil deformation modulus, depending on the engineering geological and geotechnical conditions and the complexity of the computational ...
    • Investigation of geofiltration properties of clay soils 

      Klizas, Petras; Gadeikis, Saulius; Norkus, Arnoldas; Žilionienė, Daiva; Dundulis, Kastytis Juozas (The Baltic journal of road and bridge engineering, 2014)
      Filtration properties of clay (Kuksa mine, Lithuania) were investigated and analysis of the results was done. Investigations were carried out using a permeameter with a varying hydraulic head. A potential dependence of the ...
    • Investigation of particulate matter and chloride concentrations in the environment of gravelled roads 

      Kvasauskienė, Rasa; Kazlauskienė, Agnė; Baltrėnas, Pranas; Mikalajūnė, Audronė (Geologija, 2009)
      The main problem related to gravelled roads is their dustability during the warm season of the year. The formation of dust is mainly predetermined by traffi c intensity, climatic factors and the quality of gravel applied. ...
    • Lietuvos žemės paviršiaus erozijos modeliavimas ir kartografavimas taikant GIS technologijas 

      Dėnas, Žydrūnas; Kumetaitis, Algirdas; Šliaupa, Saulius; Zakarevičius, Algimantas; Šliaupienė, Rasa (Geodezija ir kartografija, 2006)
      Nuolatinis žemės paviršiaus plovimas ir su tuo susijusi dirvožemio erozija turi įtakos žmogaus ūkinei veiklai, ypač žemės ūkiui. Tai lemia būtinybę įvertinti erozijos pavojų tiek lokaliuoju, tiek regioniniu mastu. Erozija ...