• Rizikos valdymas : įmonės kelias į sėkmę 

      Šimelytė, Agnė (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      The article analyses risk management efficiency and significance to an enterprise. In recent years when information and manufacturing technologies are changing rapidly, affecting business enterprise interfaces various types ...
    • Ryšių su klientais valdymo problemos nekilnojamo jo turto sektoriaus įmonėse 

      Korsakienė, Renata (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      The processes of globalization, intense competition and changing demand of customers motivate companies to seek the ways which would allow them to remain competitive in the market. Therefore customer relationship management ...
    • Šešėlinė ekonomika : mokesčių vengimo aspektas 

      Krumplytė, Jolita (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      There has been very little research done of the shadow economy considering tax evasion in the scientific literature. The author of this article has chosen shadow economy as an object of the scientific research. Shadow ...
    • Šiuolaikinės įmonės ištekliai ir jų reikšmė formuojant konkurencinę strategiją 

      Krivka, Algirdas (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      Modern theory of strategic management is based on two main concepts of strategy formulation: outside-in approach of the positioning school and inside-out approach of the resource-based view: each of them giving strongly ...
    • The analysis of opportunities of public private partnership implementation 

      Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Ieva (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      Siekdamos užtikrinti infrastruktūros ar paslaugų teikimą, visų lygmenų valstybinės valdžios institucijos vis labiau domisi galimybe bendradarbiauti su privačiuoju sektoriumi. Bendradarbiavimu šioje srityje (viešojo ir ...
    • Tiesioginio investavimo užsienyje motyvų svarbos įvertinimas 

      Miečinskienė, Algita; Valiaškaitė, Aistė (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      Recently there have been tendencies of using outward FDI as the instrument for internationalization, integration and economic development. This paper studies the motivation importance in the entry of an enterprise into ...
    • Transporto infrastruktūros statybos brangimo veiksniai ir prognozės 

      Aukščiūnas, Vytautas (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      The main recent factors of transport infrastructure construction costs appreciation are as follows: 1. Long duration of investment process from the beginning of feasibility study to the end of construction. 2. An increase ...
    • V. Tanzi kvalifikacinių diagnostinių rodiklių taikymas Lietuvos pavyzdžiu 

      Skačkauskienė, Ilona (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      The Lithuanian tax system should be estimated while applying the Tanzi method, by way of answering the questions being presented by diagnostical indices. An empiric quantitative and qualitative examination has in essence ...
    • Valstybės subsidijų verslui poveikio vertinimas 

      Bruzgė, Šarūnas (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      State aid (subsidies) to private companies is one of the means of government intervention in the market economy. The main task of the government subsidies is to stimulate the activity of the business enterprises. An in ...
    • Valstybės žinių potencialo vertinimas 

      Morkvėnas, Renatas; Vetrov, Jaroslav (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      The importance of knowledge to economy and society has been much debated in recent years. In particular, many commentators have linked an increasing level of knowledge in society with economic growth. Knowledge has become ...
    • Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų strateginiai sprendimai 

      Jezerskė, Živilė (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      Theoretic potential are sufficient for decision of tasks of alternatives generation, formation of criteria for alternatives evaluation along with the criteria combination, alternatives analysis and evaluation, the best ...
    • Virtualioji organizacija : lyderystės formavimo veiksnių tyrimas 

      Merkevičius, Juozas; Bartišius, Darius; Bernotienė, Neringa (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      Nowadays the importance of virtual organizations is increasing. Global processes are the main reason of rapid expansion of virtual organizations. A lack of high qualified workers around the world, unexpected changes and ...
    • Virtualiosios organizacijos personalo motyvavimo modelio formavimas 

      Uturytė, Laura; Merkevičius, Juozas (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      Recently science literature provides some research on virtual organizations like qualitative new structure of an organization; however, the personnel motivations in these types of entities in comparison with others forms ...
    • Žinių transformavimo įmonės procesuose modelis 

      Vitkauskas, Romualdas (Verslas, vadyba ir studijos'2008: mokslo darbai = Business, management and education'2008: research papers, 2009)
      The main objective of knowledge management is company‘s effective use of knowledge and development, when one type of knowledge becomes another type, enhancing enterprises competitiveness. Effective use of knowledge is ...