Now showing items 21-40 of 87

    • Evaluation of the European Gravimetric Geoid/quasigeoid EGG97 over the Lithuanian territory 

      Denker, Heiner; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      Europos gravimetrinis geoido/kvazigeoido modelis EGG97 apskaičiuotas Hanoverio universiteto Žemės matavimų institute (Institut für Erdmessung, IfE). Nuo 1990 m. IfE yra Tarptautines geodezijos asocijacijos pakomisio geoidui ...
    • Experiment for production of digital cadastral map using aerial photogrammetric methods 

      Sageie, Jostein; Žalnierukas, Albinas; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras; Sužiedelytė Visockienė, Jūratė (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      Aprašomi eksperimentiniai darbai pagal bendrą Norvegijos - Lietuvos fotogrametrinių metodų projektą, taikomą žemės reformai: aerofotonuotraukos, aerovaizdų koordinavimas, taip pat aerotrianguliacija su riboženklių koordinavimu ...
    • Geodezija Vilniaus universitete 

      Vainauskas, Vincas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1998)
    • Geodezinės paskirties procedūrų parengimas MDL algoritmine kalba 

      Kazuras, Giedrius (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1998)
      MDL is the MicroStation Development Language. It uses the standard C programming language. The main features of MDL are possibility to develop full integrated procedures, which function in MicroStation environment; possibility ...
    • Geodezinių koordinačių tikslumas skersinėje Merkatoriaus projekcijoje 

      Skeivalas, Jonas; Kazurienė, Sonata (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      In this article the accuracy of the geodetic coordinates B and L computed on the basis of the rectangular coordinates x and y is considered. It was derived the pertinent formulas to compute root mean square errors of the ...
    • Geodezinių koordinačių transformavimo variantai 

      Skeivalas, Jonas; Aksamitauskas, Vladislovas Česlovas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1997)
      In the paper transformation of Geodetic Co-ordinates by using reduced formulas is analyzed. In these formulas the planimetric and spatial central co-ordinates are used. This simplifies the calculations and downloads their ...
    • Geografinių informacinių sistemų panaudojimas radijo matomumui modeliuoti 

      Radis, Dalius (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      The goal of this research project was to show, how geographical information technology can be used in radiovisibility modelling and radio communication system design. The reason for this job was the request from communication ...
    • Globalinės padėties sistemos palydovų signalų vėlavimas dėl jonosferos poveikio 

      Būga, Arūnas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      GPS signals are transmitted through the atmosphere from a satellite to a receiver. The atmosphere could be divided into different layers, according to their physical characteristics and their influence on radio waves ...
    • GPS antrosios klasės tinklo sudarymo darbai 

      Krikštaponis, Boleslovas; Petroškevičius, Petras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      Activities of the Institute of Geodesy, Vilnius Technical University on establishement of GPS second order network in 1995 are described. GPS second order network was densified from points of GPS first order network ...
    • GPS matavimai norint nustatyti geoidą Lietuvos teritorijai 

      Rožanskas, Evaldas; Urbanas, Saulius (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      The parameters of the geoid in Lithuania area established by using GPS technology. There were coordinated 41 benchmarks. In the article are written about the planing of project, execution, survey, mathematics proceeding ...
    • GPS matavimo rezultatų apdorojimas diskretiniu Kalmano filtru su papildomais klaidų parametrais 

      Skeivalas, Jonas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1999)
      The theoretical analysis of the effect of GPS satellites efemerides errors to the results of the mathematical treatment of measurements by the use of Kalmann discrete filter is presented. There were employed the additional ...
    • GPS matavimų kokybės statistinė analizė 

      Skeivalas, Jonas; Ramanauskas, Rimantas; Maciulevičius, Linas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      Applying mathematical statistics methods for GPS control networks of zero first classes the quantity analysis has been provided. For calculations were used two programme packages: Ashtech Fillnet and Gemini GPS/Net. Influence ...
    • GPS matavimų rezultatų ir kvazigeoido skaitmeninio modelio panaudojimas nustatant geodezinius aukščius 

      Kazakevičius, Stasys-Vytautas; Paršeliūnas, Eimuntas Kazimieras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1997)
      On Lithuanian territory, the zero, first and second order GPS networks were developed. Also, the geoid (quasigeoid) digital model was determined by the Geoid Determination Working Group of the Nordic Countries Geodetic ...
    • GPS palydovų orbitų parametrų paklaidų eliminavimas 

      Skeivalas, Jonas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1998)
      In the article, the influence of GPS satellite orbit parameter errors on the determination of Earth’s point coordinates is analised. For such analysis there is applied the approach of determining an initial data errors ...
    • GPS signalų zenitinio uždelsimo modeliavimas 

      Būga, Arūnas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      The atmosphere effects propagation of the GPS signals in different ways. One of them is delay. Well known models of the delay are presented. Their formulae advantages and disadvantages indicated. Cases when it is important ...
    • GPS stočių panaudojimas aviacinėje navigacijoje ir geodezijoje 

      Andriušaitis, Raimundas; Būga, Arūnas; Petroškevičius, Petras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      The number of fields for permanent GPS stations application is unlimited: navigation, geodesy, surveying, mapping, land managing, geodynamics, meteorology, geology, geophysics. Usage of permanent GPS stations in aeronavigation ...
    • GPS stočių panaudojimo perspektyva geodezijoje 

      Skeivalas, Jonas; Petroškevičius, Petras; Būga, Arūnas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1996)
      GPS application was started to use in Lithuania in 1992, at the time when Lithunian National GPS Network establishement took its start. A result of cooperation between Institute of Aviation, Institute of Geodesy, Department ...
    • GPS tinklų išlyginimo skirtingais programų paketais kokybės analizė 

      Skeivalas, Jonas; Kolosovskis, Ričardas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1998)
      In this article the quality of the second order Lithuanian GPS network adjustment is considered by three software tool packages: Fillnet, Turbonet and Geosecma. In the analysis, the modified Student criterion defining the ...
    • GPS tinklų tikslumo įvertinimo variantai 

      Skeivalas, Jonas (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      In the article by the use interior and exterior accuracy characteristics for estimating of accuracy in GPS networks two options are discussed. It is theoreticaly derived that in free and unfree notworks the correlative ...
    • Gravimetrinės medžiagos Lietuvos teritorijos geoidui nustatyti parengimas 

      Petroškevičius, Petras (Geodezija ir kartografija = Geodesy and cartography, 1995)
      Preparation of gravity data of Lithuanian territory for geoid determination is described Standards for gravity data are analyzed Gravity data is presented in a Lithuanian Coordinate System LKS 94 and using GRS 80 normal ...