• Aplinkos triukšmo šaltinių garso galingumo nustatymo metodai ir jų pritaikymas 

      Girnius, Valmantas (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      Sound power measurements using sound pressure techniques are well described in standarts. Sound power measurements using sound intensity are not yet described in any international standarts. Two measurement methods, namely ...
    • Baltijos jūros radiologinė būklė po avarijos Černobylio AES 

      Styro, Dmitrij; Bumelienė, Žana; Kleiza, Jonas; Lukinskienė, Marija (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      Measurements of radionuclide 137Cs volume activity of the Baltic sea waters, in it’s south-eastern part and coastal zone near Juodkrante are carried out. The volume activity of this radionuclide distribution structure in ...
    • Dulkėto oro valymo grūdėtais filtrais efektyvumo tyrimas 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Spruogis, Aleksandras; Kaminskas, Kazys Algirdas (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      Two types of granular filters are presented in the article (with dinamic granular filling material and 3-layer granular filter with vertical vibration). Connectives which are used for the aerosols dispersion phase theoretical ...
    • Dūmų, rūkų bei garų valymo elektrostatiniu filtru tyrimai 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Bakas, Algimantas; Kaulakys, Juozas (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      Experiments of air clearing from the oil vapour by elektrostatic filter are described in the article. Construction of the filter is presented. The clearing efficiency depending on ionization and sedimentation voltage and ...
    • Dyzelinių variklių išmetamųjų dujų suodžių valymo filtras 

      Šukys, Ritoldas (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      Reduction of diesel engine noise and soot pollutions is the important problem in Lithuania now. New construction of filter is proposed in this paper. Filter reduces the diesel engine noise and soot pollutions. The experiments ...
    • Kai kurių Lietuvos statybinių medžiagų radioaktyvumas 

      Marčiukaitis, Jonas Gediminas; Styro, Dmitrij (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      It is known that lodgings of concrete buildings have maximum radioactivity and lodgings of wooden buildings have minimum radioactivity. According to these facts the material samples were taken in the pits. Measurements of ...
    • Oro valymo filtrų regeneracijos pneumoimpulsu modeliavimas 

      Baltrėnas, Pranas; Špakauskas, Valdas; Vasarevičius, Saulius (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      The large particles model was used for the solution of this problem. Medium is represented by cell net. Every cell contains settled gaz mass. Filter is presented like a cell zone, in wich every second cell let air stream ...
    • Papildomas dulkių šlapio valymo įrenginys asfalto-betono maišyklėje Teltomat” 

      Čyras, Petras; Baronas, J. (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      This paper deals with the problem of pollutions reduction in the asphalt mixing plants. We propose the new construction of dust cleaning equipment, which works as the improved scruber. Experiments were made on asphalt ...
    • Pjezoelektrinio aerozolių koncentracijos daviklio jautrumo tyrimas 

      Vabalas, Povilas (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      The theory of sensitivity of the detector of concentration quartz aerosol dependence from the parameter of the stain from the sedimentary detail has been investigated. Formula of calculating sensitivity of concentration ...
    • Traumatizmo veiksnių reikšmingumo nustatymas matematiniais metodais 

      Serbenta, Kazys (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)
      Possibilities of using mathematical methods and prophylactic measures for accidents in ergotic systems are described in the article.
    • Veikiančių asfaltbetonio maišytuvų konstrukcijų pakeitimai, mažinantys oro užterštumą 

      Sivilevičius, Henrikas (Aplinkos apsauga : Vilniaus technikos universiteto mokslo darbai, Nr. 1, 1994)