Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Assessment of the impact of advertising in promoting sustainable mobility and multimodality in the urban transport system 

      Išoraitė, Margarita; Jarašūnienė, Aldona; Samašonok, Kristina (Future transportation: Topic: Sustainable transport systems and new mobility services: Challenges and solutions, vol. 2nd, 2023)
      Advertising can influence and change consumers’ attitudes, habits, and behaviour and can therefore be a way to promote sustainable mobility and multimodality in urban transport systems. This paper focuses on the following ...
    • Benchmarking : from theory to practice = 

      Baublys, Adolfas; Išoraitė, Margarita (Economics and business : scientific proceedings of Riga technical university. 3.sērija, 2004)
      The article analysis the following issues: 1. benchmarking concept analysis. Benchmarking is a process for comparing an organization’s methods, processes, procedures, products, and services against those of organizations ...
    • Benchmarking to improve the performance in Lithuanian municipalities 

      Baublys, Adolfas; Išoraitė, Margarita (Rīgas tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 3 serija: Ekonomika un uzņēmējdarbība = Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 3: Economics and Business, 2004)
      Benchmarking is a term often used for the comparison of one municipality against others, particularly those that are considered to be operating at the highest level. The purpose of benchmarking is twofold: first, the ...
    • Benchmarking to improve the performance in Lithuanian municipalities = 

      Baublys, Adolfas; Išoraitė, Margarita (Economics and business : scientific proceedings of Riga technical university. 3.sērija, 2005)
      Benchmarking is a term often used for the comparison of one municipality against others, particularly those that are considered to be operating at the highest level. The purpose of benchmarking is twofold: first, the ...
    • Cross - subsidisation in transport and EC legislation 

      Išoraitė, Margarita (Transportas, 2000)
      Aiškinama kryžminio subsidijavimo sąvoka transporte, kuri Lietuvoje kol kas nėra labai paplitusi. Lietuvai tapus ES nare ji plačiai bus vartojama ir geriau suvokiama. Kryžminis subsidijavimas yra labai svarbi sąvoka, kuri ...
    • Europos Sąjungos transporto kainodaros politikos taikymas Lietuvoje 

      Išoraitė, Margarita (Transportas = Transport engineering, 1999)
      The future Lithuanian transport policy is confronted with a dual objective of securing cost recovery on the one hand and aiming at economic efficiency at the other hand. These two objectives are not necessarily coinciding.This ...
    • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the public sector in Lithuania 

      Baublys, Adolfas; Išoraitė, Margarita (Rīgas tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. 3 serija: Ekonomika un uzņēmējdarbība = Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University. Serija 3: Economics and Business, 2005)
      Evaluation is an essential component of any expenditure management system. It is accepted management theory and practice that evaluation findings can assist the government in budgetary decisions and provide an opportunity ...
    • Key aspects of performance indicators analysis = 

      Baublys, Adolfas; Išoraitė, Margarita (Economics and business : scientific proceedings of Riga technical university. 3.sērija, 2005)
      The article focuses on the following issues: L Definitions of performance indicators. A performance indicator is generally defined as a unit of information that is used in the measurement of progress towards a goal or ...
    • Research joung people opinion about innovation strategy realization opportunities for rural tourism sector 

      Išoraitė, Margarita (Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos / Šiaulių universitetas. Socialinių mokslų fakultetas, 2010)
      Innovative rural tourism development of the business - it's not just creativity, new service, pleasant entertainment, but also a lot of wisdom and patient labor-business. Innovation strategy focused on decision relating ...
    • Žmogiškieji ištekliai – svarbiausias konkurencinio pranašumo šaltinis strategiškai valdant organizaciją 

      Išoraitė, Margarita (Socialinių mokslų studijos = Social Sciences Studies, 2011)
      Kiekvienos organizacijos pagrindinis tikslas yra gauti kuo didesnį pelną, užimti kuo didesnę rinkos dalį arba teikti kuo geresnes paslaugas. Norėdamos tai įgyvendinti jos turi turėti unikalių išteklių, o pagrindiniaiai iš ...