Now showing items 1-20 of 20

    • Application of the theory of built-up bars and plates for hollow concrete-filled steel tubes 

      Kuranovas, Artiomas; Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian transaction. Warsaw, May 2007 / Warsaw University of Technology, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 15, 2007)
    • Badanie przyczyn osiadan budowli elektrowni cieplnej w Klajpedzie 

      Prusinskiene, Sabina; Sližytė, Danutė (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 17, 2009)
      The subject of this paper is analysing of long term settlements of buildings Klaipėda power-station. From these moment it was started process of settlements measurement. Some of buildings have big and uniqual settlements. ...
    • Comparison of errors in control of stiffness of reinforced concrete members using the methods of common and non-destructive determination of characteristics 

      Hlavac, Zbynek; Užpolevičius, Benediktas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions. Warsaw, June 2008 / Warsaw University of Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 16, 2008)
    • Effect of ends restraint on soil shear strength parameters during triaxial testing 

      Dirgėlienė, Neringa; Amšiejus, Jonas; Stragys, Vincentas Vytis (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 15, 2007)
    • On strength and reliability of spun concrete columns with high-strength reinforcement 

      Kliukas, Romualdas; Kudzys, Antanas (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 14, 2006)
    • Pecularity and practical use of direct informational-statistical standards for design and assessment of structures and foundations 

      Užpolevičius, Benediktas; Amšiejus, Jonas (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 15, 2007)
    • Piers of annular cross-sections for road bridges 

      Kliukas, Romualdas; Kudzys, Antanas (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction. Vol. 17 / Warsaw University of Technology, The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2009)
      Nagrinėjamas betoninių žiedinio skerspjūvio taurų, armuotų vienodais atstumais jų perimetre išdėstytais plieniniais strypais, efektyvumas. Analizuojamos stabilizuojančių tiltų taurų pirmaeilės ir antraeilės įražos. Pateiktas ...
    • Semi-riged steel joints under bending and axial force 

      Urbonas, Kęstutis; Daniūnas, Alfonsas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions = Збiрник наукових праць Приднïпровськоï державноï академiï будiвництва та архiтектури та Варшавського технiчного унiверситету. T. 13, 2005)
    • Stability problem of tapered beams-columns subjected to pure bending 

      Šapalas, Vaidotas; Samofalov, Michail; Šaraškinas, Viačeslavas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions= Збiрник наукових праць Приднïпровськоï державноï академiï будiвництва та архiтектури та Варшавського технiчного унiверситету. T. 13, 2005)
    • Strength and strain properties of connections with inclined screws in composite timber-concrete beams 

      Kavaliauskas, Saulius; Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian transaction. Warsaw, May 2007 / Warsaw University of Technology, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 15, 2007)
    • The analysis of tubular composite columns 

      Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras; Kudzys, Antanas (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian transaction. Warsaw, May 2007 / Warsaw University of Technology, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 15, 2007)
    • Theoretical evaluation of test data of axially compressed hollow concrete-filled steel tubes 

      Kuranovas, Artiomas; Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions. Warsaw, June 2008 / Warsaw University of Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 16, 2008)
    • Анализ поведения и расчет гибкой висячей наклонной нити 

      Juozapaitis, Algirdas; Daniūnas, Alfonsas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions = Збiрник наукових праць Приднïпровськоï державноï академiï будiвництва та архiтектури та Варшавського технiчного унiверситету. T. 13, 2005)
      The objective of the paper is to investigate the behaviour and present the analytical expressions for calculation of flexible cables with supports at different level The flexible cable is subjected to uniformly distributed ...
    • Анализ соответствий между криволинейной и прямоугольной диаграммами напряжений в расчетах изгибаемых железобетонных элементах 

      Dulinskas, Eugedijus Juozas; Zabulionis, Darius (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 15, 2007)
      This article describes the method of an equivalent substitution of a nonlinear stress diagram into a rectangular stress block of the cross-section in reinforced concrete elements under bending, eccentric compression an ...
    • Двойственные вариационные постановки задач деформируемого тела при разрывных полях перемещений 

      Kalanta, Stanislovas (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydnieprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture / Polish – Ukrainian seminar, Warsaw 06.07-11.07, 1998, T. 6, 1998)
      There are created the dual variational formulations of the stress-strain field analysis and optimization problems of the elasto-plastic body with displacement discontinuity in case monotonically increasing (simple) loading. ...
    • Долговременные деформации древних соборов на слабых грунтах 

      Mackevičius, Rimantas (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, The Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 17, 2009)
      In this paper is analysed deformations of ancient churches in Vilnius and in Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad). Foundations of both cathedrals were build on weak soils. Deformation of Vilnius cathedral give too much cracks in ...
    • О долговечности железобетонных центрифугированных стоек опор линий электропередачи 

      Vadlūga, Romualdas; Kliukas, Romualdas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions. Warsaw, June 2008 / Warsaw University of Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 16, 2008)
      The analysis was conducted on exterior investigations of spun concrete poles for electric power transmission live supports, maintained for 30 years. It was established, that in reinforced concrete masts of supports for ...
    • Разработка методики определения свободного формальдегида, выделяющегося из закрепленных инъекцией оснований зданий 

      Mackevičius, Rimantas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions. Warsaw, June 2008 / Warsaw University of Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 16, 2008)
      It is presented results of analytical search and laboratory tests for development of methodology for determination of free formaldehyde which evaporate from grouted foundations of buildings. As inmportant component of new ...
    • Расчет прочности железобетонных элементов кольцевого сечения 

      Vadlūga, Romualdas (Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering : Polish - Ukrainian Transactions = Збiрник наукових праць Приднïпровськоï державноï академiï будiвництва та архiтектури та Варшавського технiчного унiверситету. T. 13, 2005)
      A simple but sufficiently accurate and reliable strength calculation method for concrete ring-sectional members with non-uniformly distributed reinforcement and weakened by various cuts is presented in the paper. This ...
    • Стабилизация песчаных грунтов инъекцией синтетических смол 

      Mackevičius, Rimantas (Theoretical foundations of civil engineering: Polish - Ukrainian- Lithuanian Transaction / Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilniaus Gediminas Technical University. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prydneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. T. 15, 2007)
      It is presented results of laboratory tests of sandy soils stabilized with polymer resins. Comparison was done of properties of no modified carbamide resins with properties of modified carbamide resins. Such properties of ...