Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Akademinės bendruomenės ir universiteto kultūros 

      Samalavičius, Almantas Liudas (Logos, 2006)
      The article is an exploration of the structure and ethos of academic communities from a comparative point of view. Discussing the ideas of thinkers such as Karl Jaspers, Immanuel Wallerstein and the anthropologist of higher ...
    • Antanas Kaupas: įžvalgos dėl nacionalinio identiteto ir socialinės santarvės išsaugojimo = 

      Pruskus, Valdas (Logos, 2005)
      The best conditions for presentation to the world may be ensured only by the existence of an independent state. Lithuania, in aspiring to independence and total welfare, must "follow its own way" and not admire radical ...
    • Darnus tiesos pasaulis 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos, 2005)
      In the article the antique conceptions of truth are analysed. The author notices that the criteria of correspondence and coherence are related. It is noesis that is related with the creativity of the human mind. The author ...
    • Etikos idėjų realumas: Kantas, Heideggeris, Levinas 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos, 2005)
      Kant speaks in his ethics about postulates and ideas that form our behaviour. He opposes the transcendentalism to metaphysical transcendence. He is under the influence of the empirical concept of reality. We cannot observe ...
    • Globalizacija ir tautinė egzistencija 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos, 2006)
      The national culture in the conditions of globalisation is investigated in the article. The author asks what place has the culture of small nations in the global context, what is the future for their being? The author tries ...
    • Gyvenamojo pasaulio kūrybinės ribos: Derrida, Heideggeris, Bachtinas 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos, 2006)
      This allows for the convergence of phenomena of different natures: word and thing. It is possible in the plane of poetry, where the thing appears with new aspects and the word expresses the daily things that surround us. ...
    • Kalba ir kultūra 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos, 2006)
      The author analyses the role of the language in culture from the perspective of existential phenomenology. He emphasises the linguistic character of existence and analyses poiesis as the creation of the living world. ...
    • Savivaldos samprata lietuvių katalikų intelektualų darbuose (XX a. pr.) 

      Pruskus, Valdas (Logos, 2006)
      In their turn, these outlooks urged Catholic sociologists to take a more active social position, and oriented them towards their practical implementation. Supporting the cooperation movement, creating economic, educational ...
    • "Stovėjimo ant ribos" metafora P. Tillicho sistemoje ir S. Kierkegaard'o religijos filosofijoje: gnosis ar pistis? 

      Briedis, Mindaugas (Logos, 2006)
      The question of boundaries is fundamental to the philosophy of religion. This article analyzes and compares two influential philosophers in the field, Kierkegaard and Tillich. Though usually they are represented as exponents ...
    • Tiesos samprata egzistencinėje fenomenologijoje 

      Kačerauskas, Tomas (Logos, 2005)
      The problem of truth in existential phenomenology is analysed in the article. The author maintains that the concept of truth is inseparable from the concept of reality. In the phenomenology of Lebenswelt (Husserl) and ...
    • Žmogus ir visuomenė 

      Jasmontas, Aleksandras Gražvydas (Logos, 2006)
      The main question of philosophy is what is man? The answers to this question compose by its very nature metaphysics: all other subjects (nature, cognition, beauty, good, etc) directly or indirectly serve this end. The ...