Now showing items 1-20 of 74

    • Archainė mokykla: atrankos principai 

      Buivydas, Rimantas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1998)
      This article was inspired by strange and saddening reflections, though difficult to name, but shared by many those who are struggling to comprehend the contemporary essence of selecting candidates for studies at a higher ...
    • Architektūros mokykla: tradicija ir novacija. Kai kurios pastabos dėl architektų rengimo 

      Palekas, Rolandas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1998)
    • Architektūros potencialus vaidmuo gerinant gyvenimo sąlygas Lietuvos miestuose 

      Vanagas, Jurgis (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1998)
      Considering the statistical data about the dwelling situation in Lithuania, the results of numerous sociological surveys and indicators of housing stock development, the author concentrates his attention on the problems ...
    • Architektūros psichologijos raida 

      Andriušytė, Aistė (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1998)
      The article describes the architecture psychology as development of a separate area of science from the second half of the 19th century. Meanwhile, with the growth of psychology, its methods were applied to scientific ...
    • Architektūros studijų specifika 

      Vanagas, Jurgis (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1998)
      This article is prepared on the basis of the author’s report made at an international conference "Architecture and studies" (Vilnius, September 1997). Its material is collected from the teaching programmes of 8 various ...
    • Architektų rengimas pokyčių laikotarpiu 

      Ziberkas, Leonidas Pranas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1996)
      After the restoration of the independence of Lithuania new political and economic relations brougth about changes in the conditions of architectural activities. This has caused a demand for a new type of an architect that ...
    • Automagistralės Via Baltica trumpalaikio poilsio vietų projektavimo koncepcijos kai kurios nuostatos 

      Jakovlevas-mateckis, Konstantinas; Bitinienė, Elena Laimutė (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1997)
      The article deals with the conceptual principles of the dislocation, layout and spatial arrangement of short-term recreational places on the Highway “Via Baltica”. The article consists of three parts: a general review of ...
    • Automatizuoto projektavimo sistemų panaudojimo galimybės ir perspektyvos 

      Žiūrienė, Rytė; Čiupaila, Lionginas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1999)
      The aim of the investigation is to analyse the properties of CAD systems, to discuss the peculiarities of their use in Lithuania and to make a prospective analysis of design works on the following questions: • classified ...
    • Darbo pasidalijimas formuojant erdvę. Postkomunistinės ir išsivysčiusios Europos valstybės tūkstantmečių sandūroje (Lietuvoje ir Vokietijoje) 

      Staniūnas, Eugenijus-Kęstutis (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1998)
    • Daugiabučių namų stogų renovacijos ypatybės modeliuojant kompiuteriu 

      Makutėnienė, Daiva (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1999)
      Daugiabučių namų šlaitinius stogus tikslinga renovuoti, nors yra tam tikrų problemų: 1) technologinių - vyksta invazija į viršutinių aukštų butus, prisijungiant prie inžinerinių sistemų, todėl saugiau vykdyti kapitalinį ...
    • Erdvės formavimo organizacija visuomenėje - naujas Lietuvos architektūros ir urbanistikos elementas 

      Staniūnas, Eugenijus-Kęstutis (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1996)
      Many legal documents have been drafted during the recent years in Lithuania. Some of them regulate spatial planning (town and regional planning, building, restauration of architectural monuments). Regulation of spatial ...
    • Esmingi miesto kultūros metmenys 

      Buivydas, Rimantas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 2008)
    • GIS technologijų taikymas urbanistikoje 

      Burinskienė, Marija (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1997)
      A geographic information system consists of geographically oriented graphical and attributive data. These data are needed for all kinds planning. Many aspects related with the delivery of permissions to build and destroy ...
    • Gyvenimo kokybės parametrų gerinimo programa Lietuvos respublikos teritorijos bendrajame plane 

      Vanagas, Jurgis (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1999)
      The article presents the continuation of consideration on life quality parameters - one of the main chapters in the Master Plan of the territory of Lithuania. The first part of the consideration on this issue was published ...
    • Gyvenimo kokybės parametrų studija rengiant Lietuvos respublikos teritorijos bendrąjį planą 

      Vanagas, Jurgis (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1997)
      In the beginning of the article various interpretations of the term “life quality” ant its specificity in the sphere of territorial planning are presented. The author points out to limited capabilities to operate with all ...
    • Integruotas architektūrinės aplinkos mastelis ir jo išraiškos transformavimas 

      Dineika, Raimundas Arnas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1996)
      Relationship of new structural objects with the existing ones is an urgent problem in Lithuanian cities and towns, especially in old town zones. In this respect an analysis of the effect of architecture and of its perception ...
    • Integruotas architektūrinės aplinkos mastelis kaip erdvinės kompozicijos kategorija 

      Dineika, Raimundas Arnas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1996)
      This article deals with the problems an analysis of which has been started in No 1(21) of the Journal “Town Planning and Architecture”. Relationship among spatial composition elements associated with the type of composition ...
    • Iš architektų rengimo XX amžiaus Lietuvoje istorijos 

      Ziberkas, Leonidas Pranas (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1998)
      In 1997 seventy five years had passed since in Lithuanian University the Department of Architecture was established under the guidance of Prof. Mykolas Songaila. The greatest architectural school of Lithuania developed ...
    • Įvairovės ir originalumo aspektai aplinkos estetiniame formavime 

      Turauskytė, Aldona (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1996)
      Local environment is one of the main factors in causing positive or negative human emotions. The most famous founders of aesthetic theories try to find out the role of the egzisting local natural resources in forming the ...
    • "K. Šešelgio skaitymai" 

      Riaubienė, Edita (Urbanistika ir architektūra = Town planning and architecture, 1999)