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dc.contributor.authorBeinaravičius, Rimantas
dc.description.abstractAfter some time following the global depositions and pollution after the Chernobyl NPP accident, Lithuanian soils are most contaminated with 137Cs and 90Sr. In the work the 137Cs accumulation as well as vertical and horizontal migration in soil have been evaluated. The specific activity of the artificial origin 137Cs in tree segments has been determined, coefficients of its transfer from soil to various parts of the woody plant have been evaluated and compared with the transfer of the natural origin radionuclide 40K. The radionuclide accumulation both in soil and plants, wash–out from the environment and radioactive decay last for years, therefore it is expedient to choose proper methods and evaluate tendencies of the long–term contamination variation. Radionuclides having penetrated into the environment are accumulated in the vegetative ground cover and upper soil layer. Their accumulation in plants occurs directly from the atmosphere through their above–ground parts, while from leaves, branches and sprays as well as root surface radionuclides get into plant tissues and join the biological metabolism. These processes have not been evaluated sufficiently yet, though it is important from both biological and environmental point of view. After evaluating the radionuclide penetration into trees through their above–ground part and roots, radionuclide accumulation and distribution in a tree can be modeled and forecasted as well as a reverse task can be solved – their volume activity at any soil depth can be determined according to the radionuclide specific activity in the tree ring of the corresponding year. The development of mankind is inevitably related to the ever increasing impact on nature. During recent decades due to scientific and technical advances, human possibilities of influencing the nature began to substantially exceed our ability to understand, evaluate and forecast consequences of this activity, quite often unexpected and unacceptable. With the nuclear technology development, along with other problems there occurred the problem of the environment contamination with radioactive substances. Their consequences are felt over many years, and radionuclides having penetrated into the environment take part in the exchange processes between various natural media, migrate over long distances, get into biological objects and accumulate in them. Previously, especially after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) accident, and currently most attention both in the world and in Lithuania is paid to the investigations of specific activity of radioactive substances in the environment. However, there are a lot of problems of evaluating their biological danger, accumulation, migration and withdrawal in the environment from different environmental objects as well as of forecasting these processes. From the atmosphere radioactive substances are withdrawn with dust, they can be washed out with precipitation and decrease during radioactive decay. Radionuclides deposited to the ground surface are absorbed by soil and vegetation. Practical significance of the work According to the obtained results the absorbed radiation doses in woody plants of the investigated region during different pollution periods can be evaluated. Referring to the research results, the radionuclide exchange in the system “soil–tree” can be determined. The interruption of this exchange and the distribution of radionuclides appearing due to human activity using wood in construction and furniture industry can be evaluated. Data on the radionuclide accumulation in various trees can be useful in investigating the tree upgrowth and spreading of tree diseases. Moreover, in future referring to the results of the work, human exposure using wood in domestic and industrial premises can be evaluated. This work is also significant because after determining coefficients of its transfer from soil of various types to woody plants the total amount of artificial origin radionuclide 137Cs accumulated by the forest system of Lithuania and its regions can be evaluated. Approbation of the work The dissertation results were reported at four international and six republican scientific conferences. On the subject of the dissertation 2 scientific papers were published in foreign peer–reviewed journals (one in ISI system journal), 3 papers in Lithuanian technical peer–reviewed journals, 1 publication in proceedings of international conferences and 7 publications in proceedings of republican conferences, 1 claim for invention is presented. Extent and structūre The dissertation includes introduction, 4 main chapters, conclusions of the work, 105 references and a list of 13 publications on the dissertation subject. The dissertation comprises 132 pages, 87 Figures and 12 Tables.lit
dc.format.extent134 p.
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.rightsLaisvai prieinamas internete
dc.titleDirvožemio ilgalaikės užtaršos radionuklidais kaitos tyrimas ir prognozė pagal jų kaitą medžių segmentuose
dc.title.alternativeInvestigation and forecast of variation of long-term soil contamination with radionuclides according to their accumulation in tree segments
dc.typeDaktaro disertacija / Doctoral dissertation
dc.type.pubtypeETD_DR - Daktaro disertacija / Doctoral dissertation
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.subject.researchfieldT 004 - Aplinkos inžinerija / Environmental engineering
dc.subject.lttūrinis aktyvumas
dc.publisher.nameLithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT)

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