Investigation of the influence of hydrogen on the energy performance of a spark ignition engine using gasoline and bioethanol fuel mixtures
Peržiūrėti/ Atidaryti
Mejeras, Gabrielius
Rimkus, Alfredas
Matijošius, Jonas
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
The results of experimental studies of gasoline mixed with 10% bioethanol (E10), bioethanol mixed with 15% gasoline (E85), and hydrogen– oxygen gas (HHO) supplied as an additional fuel are presented in this paper. Research was carried out to determine whether E85 with hydrogen– oxygen gas is feasible for use as a replacement fuel. During the test, a port injection HR16DE spark ignition engine was used. Experiments were carried out at a constant engine speed (n = 2000 rpm), throttle opened at 15°, using a stoichiometric mixture λ = 1.0 and a lean mixture λ = 1.1. After determining brake torque, fuel consumption data, and energy performance, the results of various fuels were determined. It was found that the highest engine brake torque was developed using E85, but at the same time, fuel consumption increased. E85 yielded the best energy efficiency for a lean mixture (λ = 1.1). A small amount of HHO gas (~ 0.95% energy) yielded a small positive effect only on using E10 fuel at λ = 1.1