Clusters in transition to circular economy: evaluation of relation
Peržiūrėti/ Atidaryti
Razminienė, Kristina
Vinogradova-Zinkevič, Irina
Tvaronavičienė, Manuela
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
Researchers tend to develop cluster studies when the ways of turning to the circular economy are considered. Clusters are viewed as a network where different institutions, enterprises, and research centres are connected to share their knowledge and resources for better results of their performance. Efficient use of resources can be achieved in such networks through involvement in the circular economy. Clusters with their resources and knowledge as contributors in transition to a circular economy are analysed in this paper. The paper aims at literature analysis where clusters and circular economy are overviewed. The links between these two notions are traced, and the relation of clusters in transition to a circular economy is verified through the application of several multicriteria decision-making and mathematics-based information analysis methods. Scientific literature analysis works for the identification of the main concepts and definition of the object. The qualitative and quantitative analysis employs multi-criteria decisionmaking (MCDM) methods (SAW, TOPSIS) and regression analysis. A tool that enables verification of relation between clusters and transition to the circular economy was employed using these methods. The findings suggest that the tool used in the research can be applied when the relation of clusters and transition to a circular economy is being traced. The paper suggests experts' selection through their work experience with clusters and/or circular economy and their evaluation for certain clusters in transition to a circular economy set of criteria. The zero values of some indicators were eliminated by mathematically recalculating the weights so that distortion of the results after the application of MCDM methods is avoided. The results of MCDM methods application in regression analysis show that there is a possible relationship between clusters and transition to a circular economy.