Improvement in customer experience through the creation of virtual brand communities
Peržiūrėti/ Atidaryti
Baubonytė, Indrė
Nugaras, Justas
Sederevičiūtė-Pačiauskienė, Živilė
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
Purpose – The paper aims to examine the principles of creating customer experience and analyze a novel application of such principles in virtual brand communities (VBC). The Glossier brand has been chosen for the case study of creating the VBC. Design/methodology/approach – The study employs quantitative comparison for the analysis of the social media content of the Glossier brand as part of virtual communities and qualitative semi-structured interviews to uncover how Lithuanian brands create VBCs and broaden the experience of brand users. The components of customer experience have been used as a core theoretical framework for identification based on textual or visual elements in VBCs. Findings and Implications – Content analysis of social media has confirmed that the experience of VBCs is created by applying the components of customer experience. In order to attract customers, brands most frequently use emotional and sensory components, with relationship, lifestyle, pragmatic, and cognitive components used half as often. According to the informants, the sensory and emotional components were recognized as most important for shaping customer experience in virtual communities. They agree that visual and hearing stimulation have the most decisive impact on creating customer experience through the sensory component. By contrast, touch, taste, and smell have a less significant effect on the stimulation of the sensory component. Limitations – This paper is limited by the fact that the conducted analysis covers only the case of one brand, and the professionals’ opinions might depend on their cultural background. Originality – The study examines one of the fastest-growing consumer communication phenomena in virtual brand communities, which has not received sufficient attention of researchers. Svrha – Cilj je rada preispitati principe kreiranja korisničkog iskustva i analizirati novu primjenu principa u virtualnim zajednicama maraka (VBC). Za studiju slučaja kreiranja virtualne zajednice marke korištena je marka Glossier. Metodološki pristup – Temelji se na kvantitativnoj usporedbi koja analizira sadržaj o marki Glossier u društvenim medijima virtualnih zajednica i kvalitativnim polustrukturiranim intervjuima, a kako bi se otkrilo kako druge litavske marke stvaraju VBC-ove i proširuju iskustvo korisnika marke. Komponente korisničkog iskustva korištene su kao temeljni teorijski okvir za identifikaciju u skladu s tekstualnim ili vizualnim elementima u VBC-ima. Rezultati i implikacije – Analiza sadržaja društvenih medija potvrdila je da se iskustvo virtualnih zajednica maraka stvara primjenom komponenti korisničkog iskustva. Za privlačenje potrošača marke uglavnom koriste emocionalne i osjetilne komponente. Međutim, upola manje koriste odnos, stil života, pragmatične i kognitivne komponente. Prema ispitanicima, osjetilna i emocionalna komponenta prihvaćene su kao najvažnije za oblikovanje korisničkog iskustva u virtualnim zajednicama. Oni se slažu da vizualna i slušna stimulacija imaju odlučujući utjecaj na kreiranje korisničkog iskustva kroz osjetilnu komponentu. Nasuprot tome, dodir, okus i miris imaju manje snažan učinak na stimulaciju osjetilne komponente. Ograničenja – Ograničenje rada proizlaze iz provedene analize koja pokriva samo slučaj jedne marke, a mišljenja stručnjaka mogu ovisiti o kulturološkoj pozadini. Doprinos – Rad istražuje jedan od rastućih fenomena komunikacije potrošača u virtualnim zajednicama maraka kojemu nedostaje pozornost istraživača.