Suminis pramonės skaitmeninimo indeksas 2022 m.: metodologija
Peržiūrėti/ Atidaryti
Bacevičius, Povilas
Ramanauskienė, Giedrė
Jakubavičius, Artūras
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
Parengta motodologija (metodinė priemonė) yra skirta apskaičiuoti „Suminį pramonės skaitmeninimo indeksą“, kuris grįstas dviem skirtingomis dedamosiomis: pirmoji – pramonės skaitmeninimo indeksas, atsiliekantis rodiklis (angl. lagging indicator), kuris parodo faktinę Lietuvos poziciją, lyginant su ES valstybėmis, skaitmeninės pramonės transformacijos kontekste; antroji – pramonės skaitmeninimo lūkesčių indeksas, pirmaujantis rodiklis (angl. leading indicator), kuris atspindi Lietuvos apdirbamosios pramonės įmonių lūkesčius verslo skaitmeninimo kontekste bei trumpojo laikotarpio plėtros tendencijas. Suminis indeksas leidžia įvertinti Lietuvos apdirbamosios pramonės skaitmeninimo lygį ir numatyti trumpojo laikotarpio pokyčius. This document describes three different methodologies dedicated to calculating the “Aggregate Manufacturing Digitalization Index”, “Manufacturing Digitization Index” and “Manufacturing Digitization Confidence Index”. Aggregate Manufacturing Digitalization Index is calculated by combining Manufacturing Digitization Index with the Manufacturing Digitization Confidence Index. The aggregate index allows to assess the level of digitalization of the Lithuanian manufacturing industry and to predict digitization developments in the short term. Manufacturing Digitization Index combines 47 different digitization-related indicators and measures the entire manufacturing digitization ecosystem and its performance relative to the EU and its member states. The two main categories that make up the Manufacturing Digitization Index are Enabling environment and the Use of technologies. Both categories of the Manufacturing Digitization Index are composed of specific sub-categories, which cover specific indicators related to it. Each sub-category and indicator are weighted differently, depending on their potential impact on enabling industrial digitization and modernization, in the calculation of the sub-category, category and overall index scores. Manufacturing Digitization Confidence Index provides information on the current business situation in the context of digitalization and helps to forecast short-term developments (up to 3 years, given that digitalization-related projects are often subject to delays). The Index consists of three main categories: use of technology; drivers of technology adoption and use; financing. The index is compiled based on a survey of Lithuanian manufacturing companies.