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dc.contributor.authorTumosa, Kęstutis
dc.contributor.authorStragys, Vincentas Vytis
dc.description.abstractTests of bored piles in two sites have been performed using the weight of multistory buildings as a static load. Three objectives of tests have been formulated as follows: to approve specific test methodology, to compare bearing capacity of piles obtained from calculation with those from tests and to verify specific technology of pile installation. In the article the results of tests are presented, discussed and evaluated. One 24 floor height building was erected above Gelezinio Vilko street, near the City centre of Vilnius. The space under the building was used to elongate the already existing 290 m tunnel by adding a 100 meter section. Another test site was in Klaipeda, where bored piles were installed for a new 34 floor building constructed near the city center close to the seashore. Test results approved all the raised assumptions.eng
dc.format.extentp. 99-105
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleTest results of bored piles
dc.typeStraipsnis recenzuotame konferencijos darbų leidinyje / Paper published in peer-reviewed conference publication
dc.type.pubtypeP1d - Straipsnis recenzuotame konferencijos darbų leidinyje / Article published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings
dc.contributor.institutionUždaroji akcinė bendrovė "VILNIAUS RENTINYS"
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyStatybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering
dc.subject.researchfieldT 002 - Statybos inžinerija / Construction and engineering
dcterms.sourcetitle11th Baltic sea geotechnical conference "Geotechnics in maritime engineering". Gdansk, Poland, 15-18 September 2008 [CD] / International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), Polish Committee on Geotechnics (PCG), Gdansk University of Technology
dc.publisher.nameGdansk University of Technology

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