Transporto investicinių projektų finansavimo galimybių plėtra Lietuvoje
Griškevičienė, Daiva
Griškevičius, Algirdas Juozapas
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
Modernization and restructuring of transport system is one of Lithuania’s priorities. The strategic programme was prepared by Ministry of Transport and Communications as a constituent part of the integrated strategy of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania providing for intensive development of key sectors of the economy. The guidelines for development of transport sector specified in the National Transport Development Plan serve as the basis for preparation and elaboration of the strategic investment plan which includes the list of priority projects. The state investment policy is realized through three-annual Public Investment Programmes. At present tendencies in the sphere of the state investments are limited and relatively decreasing investment amounts from national budget; changed the strategy of the support to Lithuanian state investments from International financial institutions, programmes and foreign partners; necessity to attract the new investment financial resources and to create the conditions for non-traditional financial forms. International Financing Institutions participate in many generating income investment projects in energy, transport and environmental sphere. The big part is going as grants, first of all for EU PHARE and other regional programmes. Transport infrastructure needs assessment programme TINA, the goal of which was to initiate the development of a multi-modal transport network within the territory of the candidate countries for accession to EU, has identified the common interest projects for development of multimodal transpire network between the candidates and members of EU. TINA process provided the reference framework for Lithuanian transport network and identified the transport sector investments. One of the main sources for transport investments starting from the year 2000 will be the EU Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession (ISPA). The rate of Community assistance granted under ISPA will in most cases be up to 75% of the total cost of expenditure by public bodies. The Commission may also consider loans by International Financing Institutions to these governmental bodies to be equivalent to national public funds.