Computation and visualization of discrete particle systems on gLite-based grid
Kačeniauskas, Arnas
Kačianauskas, Rimantas
Maknickas, Algirdas
Markauskas, Darius
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
Three-dimensional simulation of discrete particle systems is performed by the discrete element method (DEM) software on the gLite-based BalticGrid infrastructure. The performance of a parallel algorithm for particles exchanging processors is investigated by using a number of benchmarks. Polydispersed particle systems are visualized by a novel grid e-service VizLitG designed for convenient access and interactive visualization of remote data files located on the grid. Partial dataset transfer from the storage element is implemented in the visualization e-service. The efficiency tests of VizLitG are performed on the datasets of different sizes. Two granular problems associated with triaxial compaction and hopper discharge are solved.