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dc.contributor.authorŽilinskij, Grigorij
dc.contributor.authorKuzminskas, Vilius
dc.description.abstractThe recent financial crisis has shown that even well-diversified stock portfolio may not protect against significant loss. Better portfolio diversification can be achieved only by combining different assets in portfolio. Aiming to create a widely diversified investment portfolio the analysis of portfolio theory evolution was carried out in the article. The basic propositions of different assets combining in investment portfolio suggested by the scientists were named. 24 exchange traded funds (ETF), which can be divided into four main groups (stock, bond, currency and commodity ETFs) were selected for the analysis, their historical data and main characteristics were evaluated. Nine Markowitz efficient widely diversified portfolios were selected, their efficiency in period 2011-02-10 – 2011-11-10 was evaluated.eng
dc.format.extentp. 2140-2150
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.titleWidely diversified investment portfolio – a tool to protect your investment in terms of markets volatility
dc.typeStraipsnis recenzuotame konferencijos darbų leidinyje / Paper published in peer-reviewed conference publication
dcterms.accessRights1 elektron. opt. diskas
dc.type.pubtypeP1d - Straipsnis recenzuotame konferencijos darbų leidinyje / Article published in peer-reviewed conference proceedings
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyVerslo vadybos fakultetas / Faculty of Business Management
dc.subject.researchfieldS 004 - Ekonomika / Economics
dc.subject.enPortfolio diversification
dc.subject.enMarket volatility
dc.subject.enExchange traded fund
dcterms.sourcetitleMMK 2011. International Masaryk conference for Ph.D. students and young researchers : proceedings of the international scientific conference, December 12-16, 2011 [Elektroninis išteklius]. Vol. 2
dc.publisher.cityHradec Králové

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