A influence of manufacture and assembly errors of leg prosthesis on disabled man gait
Kinematics of motion of disabled person is analyzed in the paper. The relation between the values of manufacturing and assembling errors and anthropometric parameters of disabled person was established. Stable gait conditions were determined. Limits of maximal errors of manufacturing and assembling were calculated estimating anthropometrical parameters of people and stiffness of links of leg prosthesis. It was determined that if the values of manufacture and assembling errors are lower or equal to the calculated its maximal values, so the gait of disabled person was a little different from normal and the spine was less swinging during the gait. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama neįgalaus žmogaus judesio kinematika. Nustatytas gamybos ir surinkimo paklaidų dydžio ryšys su neįgalaus žmogaus antropometriniais parametrais, taip pat žmogaus stabilios eisenos sąlygos. Įvertinant žmonių antropometrinius parametrus ir kojos protezo grandžių standžius, apskaičiuotos maksimalių gamybos ir surinkimo paklaidų ribos. Nustatyta, kad tuo atveju, kai surinkimo ir gamybos paklaidos yra lygios arba mažesnės maksimalioms apskaičiuotoms, neįgalaus žmogaus eisena mažai kuo skiriasi nuo normalios ir eidamas jis mažiau lanksto stuburą.