Alvydas Zagorskis: „Technologijos sparčiai artėja prie žmogaus“
Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto (VGTU) Aplinkos inžinerijos fakulteto doc. dr. Alvydas Zagorskis tvirtina, kad visuomenė vis labiau domisi universitete kuriamomis aplinkosauginėmis biotechnologijomis. Netrukus Alvydo Zagorskio bei jo kolegų sukurti biofiltrai ir bioreaktoriai taps paklausūs ne tik Lietuvoje. Rinkos reikalavimai aiškūs: konkurencinga kaina, gera kokybė, novatoriškas sprendimas – ir tavo produktą pastebės bei įvertins. O ar sunku skintis kelią jaunam mokslininkui? Bioreactors developed at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) can be in high demand not only in our country but also abroad in the near future. Interest in them has been steadily increasing in Lithuania. “Times are changing: one can produce both electricity and thermal energy “at home” – trends of technological approach towards humans are getting more and more signifi cant in Lithuania as well as all over the world,” asserted Dr. Alvydas Zagorskis, Assoc. Prof. of Faculty of Environmental Engineering at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. He was the fi rst Lithuanian scientist to receive the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) award for the best young inventor. Last year the scientist was awarded for the best dissertation on environmental issues. Biological air-cleaning filters created by Zagorskis A. and his colleagues are not only effective and durable. Compared with similar equipment manufactured abroad, Lithuanian filters are distinguished by their competitive prices and a wide range of applications, are designed for small and medium businesses. Zagorskis A. together with scientists of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Department of Environmental Protection presented to the public the latest air-cleaning and biodegradable waste management technologies, noise abatement measures and test equipment followed by the latest air, water and soil pollution measuring equipment. “Since our work is noticed and I am awarded, it means that our efforts aren’t in vain,” rejoiced the young inventor, whose greatest dream since childhood was to work in the field of environmental protection.