Studies of response of metal-porous silicon structures to microwave radiation
Stupakova, Jolanta
Ašmontas, Steponas
Gradauskas, Jonas
Zagadskij, Viktor
Šatkovskis, Eugenijus
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
The evolution of the I - V characteristics within the temperature range (77 - 295) °K was tested, and can be explained sufficiently by the dependence of hole mobility in silicon on temperature. Response of the structures to 10 GHz pulsed microwave radiation (pulse duration 2 u,s) was tested in emf formation mode. The voltage sensitivity was about 0.1 V/W, the voltage - power characteristics were almost linear and response time did not exceed several microseconds. The appearance of the response on porous silicon barrierless structures may be explained by the free carrier heating phenomenon under the action of microwave radiation.