Intelligent library and tutoring system for Brita in Pubs project
Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras
Kaklauskas, Artūras
Vlasenko, Andrej
Gulbinas, Andrius
Rodyti detalų aprašąSantrauka
As digital libraries become more popular, information and knowledge overload has become a pressing required literature searching problem. Problems with searching in digital libraries will worsen as the amount of information/knowledge increases. Traditional digital libraries often index words and documents while learners think in terms of topics and subjects. As a result, learners cannot determine how well a particular topic and/or subject is covered, or what types of search methods will provide the required information and knowledge without problems. In order to increase the efficiency and quality of the Brita in PuBs project’s activities, an Intelligent Library and Tutoring System for the Brita in PuBs project (ILTS-BP) was developed. ILTS-BP have the ability to personalize, maximize reuse, index, analyze and integrate valuable information and knowledge from a wide selection of existing sources. Also the authors have integrated ILTS-BP with a Voice Stress Analyser Subsystem. ILTS-BP is briefly analyzed in this paper.