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dc.contributor.authorPetrėtienė, Angelika
dc.contributor.authorMasiulionis, Jonas
dc.description.abstract2005 m. buvo išleisti „Kalbos patarimai“ (4), kuriuose pateiktas Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos komisijos apsvarstytas įvairių sričių skolinių sąrašas. Jame greta kiekvieno skolinio nurodytas vertinimo laipsnis. Straipsnyje aptariama, kaip šiame leidinyje traktuojami verslo, ekonomikos ir transporto srities skoliniai. Nagrinėjama šių mokslo sričių skolinių ir tarptautinių žodžių kilmė.lit
dc.description.abstractIn 2005, a book “Language Advice (4). Lexis. Usage of Loanwords” was published. It contains a list of loanwords of different fields discussed by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language. In addition to each loanword, a rating is indicated. The article discusses how the loanwords of business, economic and transport fields are treated in this publication. The study showed that the majority of new business and economical loanwords are derived from the English language. The majority of them are assessed as non-recommendable barbarisms. The majority of international words of this field consist of the Latin origin words. In the transport field there is a great number of Slavic origin loanwords. They are also included into the list discussed and are assessed as non-recommendable barbarisms. Here, there are much less new loanwords than in the business and economic fields. International terms of the transport field are more diverse originwise than the terms used in business and economic field. The majority of international words of this field derive from the French and English languages.eng
dc.format.extentp. 32-40
dc.format.mediumtekstas / txt
dc.relation.isreferencedbySocINDEX with Full Text
dc.titleVerslo, ekonomikos ir transporto svetimosios leksikos vertinimo laipsniai
dc.title.alternativeRatings of business, economic and transport borrowed lexis
dc.typeStraipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.type.pubtypeS3 - Straipsnis kitoje DB / Article in other DB
dc.contributor.institutionVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas
dc.contributor.facultyHumanitarinis institutasui-button / Institute of Humanitiesui-button
dc.subject.researchfieldH 004 - Filologija / Philology
dc.subject.ltSkolinio kilmė
dc.subject.ltTarptautiniai žodžiai
dc.subject.ltTarptautinio žodžio kilmė
dc.subject.ltVertinimo laipsniai
dc.subject.ltNeteiktinos svetimybės
dc.subject.ltVengtinos svetimybės
dc.subject.enInternational words
dc.subject.enOrigin of loanword
dc.subject.enOrigin of international word
dc.subject.enNonrecommendable barbarisms
dc.subject.enBarbarisms to be avoided
dcterms.sourcetitleSantalka. Filologija. Edukologija
dc.description.issuenr. 4
dc.description.volumeT. 15

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