Kodėl naudinga atsigręžti į atvirąją programinę įrangą?
Kas yra atvirasis kodas? Prieš gerą dešimtmetį atvirųjų programų idėjas Lietuvoje pradėjęs skleisti judėjimas „Atviras kodas Lietuvai“ šiandien jau turi veiklos rezultatus. Nepaisant to, daugeliui atvirosios programinės įrangos sąvoka lieka nežinoma. Apie atvirąsias programas ir jų atveriamas galimybes pokalbis su VGTU Kūrybinių inovacijų laboratorijos vedėju Žilvinu Jančoru. What is open code? ‘‘The majority of Lithuanians believe that open-source software is free of charge. Opensource software is created and made available for the general public to use, distribute and develop. It reminds us of an open community. Historically, the influence of IT monopolies gave birth to the open-source software movement. Until that time software was created by programmers who shared this like women shared food recipes. When companies such as AT&T, ITT and Microsoft started selling software, the open-source software movement began‘‘ – Zilvinas Jancoras, the Deputy Director of the Institute for Open Source Research at VGTU, explains. Jancoras is convinced that all Lithuanians should start using open-source software. The less software is purchased from abroad, the better the import-export balance is in our country. ‘‘On the one hand, open-source software usage will lower our imports but on the other hand, users of open-source software will have to learn how to use it...“ – notes the interviewee.