Mokslinių tekstų vertėjas: „Kalbą, kieno ji bebūtų, reikia mylėti“
„Keliuosi ir gulu su anglų kalba“, – prisipažįsta VGTU leidyklos „Technika“ anglų kalbos redaktorius ir vertėjas Gintaras Vaidogas, į anglų kalbą verčiantis ne tik sudėtingus mokslinius tekstus, bet ir randantis laiko egzaltuotos senosios anglų literatūros grožiui. Kaip tikina pašnekovas, lietuvių kalba yra klampi ir ne itin lanksti vertimams, ir atskleidžia, kad taip taisyklingai savo gimtąja kalba kalbėti, kaip kalba angliškai, taip ir neišmoko. ‘‘I use English from early morning to late at night‘‘, confessed Gintaras Vaidogas, the English language proofreader and the translator for the VGTU publishing house ‘Technika‘. He not only translates complicated scientific articles into English, but also finds the time to enjoy the beauty of the English language and its‘ literature. He translated Francis Bacon‘s essays; complex creative works of literature. ‘‘While living in England I heard that in old times Englishmen copied the essays of the philosopher, framed them and decorated their walls using them as pictures. Once I preferred translating into Lithuanian works of literature which had not been translated by others. That was the reason why I translated Francis Bacon‘s essays, unknown to Lithuanian readers, written in the English language of the Renaissance with the phraseology and sentence structure peculiar to that period. It was exciting to feel a different kind of English language and acquire new experience“, says Vaidogas and tells us that the Lithuanian language is clumsy and not so flexible for translation. The translator also confesses that he uses English better than his native language.