Politika ir pramogos komunikacijos kontekste
Monografijoje atskleidžiami pramogų ir politikos sąveikos fenomenas, jo esmė ir funkcionavimo modelis padės geriau suprasti šio reiškinio galią ir įtaką formuojant visuomenės sąmonėje pageidaujamus vaizdinius, turinčius įtakos rinkėjų elgesiui ir vertybinėms bei politinėms nuostatoms. Pateikiamos pramogų, kaip komunikacijos formos, samprata, rūšys ir socialinės funkcijos, taip pat politinės rinkodaros priemonių galimybės kuriant ir vizualizuojant politiko įvaizdį leis geriau suprasti ir įvertinti politikų dalyvavimo pramogų renginiuose priežastis, motyvus, būdus ir pasekmes. Remiantis atlikto trijų kartų atstovų (jaunimo, vidurinės kartos, senjorų) ir politologų bei žurnalistų, rašančių politikos temomis, tyrimo duomenimis, atskleidžiamas požiūris į politikų žinomumą ir dalyvavimą pramoginiuose renginiuose. Lithuania does not have studies of political marketing and its use in political struggle, except for isolated texts where the phenomenon of political marketing, its instruments including the involvement of politicians in recreational activities (Bielinis 2002, 2005: Rekašius 2003: Renčeliauskaitė 2008 and others) is discussed. The aim of the monograph is to analyze the interaction of politics and entertainment in the context of communication, to disclose the reasons, motives and ways of participation of politicians in recreational activities, and possibilities of image vizualization using modern technologies. The Monograph consists of 8 chapters, final conclusions, literature, summary in English, subject index and index of names. The first chapter „Politician and features of his expression in the political sphere” characterizes the politics as a phenomenon of rendering of political services, examines the factors of its attraction and peculiarities of political services. There is shown that politics during all times have attracted people seeking to be immortalized, to have the recognition and use it, in order to raise the power and authority and to control the others through provided laws. Nevertheless, it demanded from the politician certain features which some of them have but others have to train. The task of the politician is to render political services to the society – ideas and projects, which would facilitate the coexistance of separate individuals and different social groups in society. Political services have all classical features of consumer services (intangibility, variability, connectivity), but they also have some special features. First, the political service cannot be given back to the seller (if a citizen supports the politician in the election, he cannot cancel him if it appears that he does not carry out his obligations − the citizen must wait for the other elections). [...]