Technological education as a platform for developing global and national identity
The paper reviews the curriculum of technologies at Lithuanian schools of general education and its correspondence to the Lithuanian and European strategic and legal documents. The study of technologies today is relevant not only because it aims to develop the learners' technologicalliteracy and creative abilities, but also because it serves as a platform for developing nationality identity and tolerance for other cultures. The curriculum content of technologies is appropriate for the implementation of goals of globalization and has to be developed envisaging the acquisition of learners' multicultural competence. The objectives of technological education meet the provisions presented in Lithuanias Progress Strategy (2012) - to reinforce the citizens' historic awareness and self-respect by promoting a variety of cultural and artistic expression, updating the national cultural and educational programrnes as well as the repertoire and symbolism of public state events, and by guaranteeing the preservation of objects of cultural and national heritage and their skillful use for public needs. The curriculum of technologies corresponds with the Programme of the Principles of Lithuanian Ethnic Culture for schools of general education (2000) and this subject remains the main practical teaching subject which upholds ethnoculture, crafts and develops national identity.
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- Knygų dalys / Book Parts [334]