Mums patiems reiktų drąsiau ir dažniau išsakyti savo nuomonę
Pasauliniai pokyčiai keičia ir mokslo vertybes. Europoje vyksta bendras posūkis nuo fundamentinio mokslo prie taikomojo. Labiausiai akcentuojama ta mokslo dalis, kuri gali pakeisti ekonomiką ir visuomenės gyvenimą. „Mokslas dėl mokslo pradedamas vertinti daug mažiau. Ir šios tendencijos ateina į Lietuvą“, – tikina Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto mokslo prorektorius prof. habil. dr. Antanas Čenys. During twenty-five years of independence, the Lithuanian scientists have been trying to identify themselves, comparing themselves with others, catching up with the scholars of Western Europe. How was this process going on: painfully, naturally or spontaneously? How were the values of science changing during these years? Speaking about the changing values of science, the Vice-Rector for Research notes that a general turn away from the fundamental science to the applied science, is currently going on in Europe. “More emphasis is given to the part of science, which can change the economy and society in general, while the appreciation of science for science is constantly decreasing. These trends are coming to Lithuania, too”- says Prof. Habil. Dr. Antanas Čenys.