Recent Submissions

  • 25th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, May 30 – June 2, 2022, Druskininkai, Lithuania. Abstracts 

    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas (2022)
  • 25th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2022 

    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (2022)
  • Numerical analysis of vertical stress distribution in the direct shear box devices 

    Medzvieckas, Jurgis; Skuodis, Šarūnas; Sližytė, Danutė (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    When determining the soil strength parameters with direct shear box devices, the values of the parameters are influenced by devices construction. In assessing this effect, it is necessary to know the magnitude of the ...
  • Investigation of influence of additives on properties of multi-molecular organic solutions used for permeation grouting 

    Mackevičius, Rimantas; Sližytė, Danutė; Zhilkina, Tatyana; Turchin, Vadim (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    Permeation grouting for stabilization of dispersive sandy and gravely soils is in use from beginning of 19th century and has high importance for various underpinning, tunneling, and structural strengthening works. As ...
  • Analysis of the different techniques for calculation of bearing capacity of flexural reinforced concrete deep beams 

    Levon, Beata; Šalna, Remigijus; Juknevičius, Linas (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    The paper deals with the singularities of the design of deep beams without shear reinforcement according to different design codes, namely, STR 2.05.05:2005, EC2, EC2-SMM and ACI-318. The comparative analysis of calculation ...
  • Safety and quality assurance for geotechnical constructions in urban areas 

    Leppla, Steffen; Katzenbach, Rolf (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    Safety and quality assurance are the most important aspects for the design and the construction of geotechnical structures. These aspects consider the optimisation by reducing the resources material, money and time. For ...
  • Behaviour of curved reinforcement bars 

    Frydenlev Langberg, Mikkel; Fisker, Jakob; Hagsten, Lars German (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    Bended or curved reinforcement bars are often met in assessment of existing reinforced concrete structures and are used in design of nodal regions such as frame corners. Although being present in many tested reinforced ...
  • Design analysis of strengthening a damaged supporting structure in a swimming pool building 

    Kruszka, Leopold; Chmielewski, Ryszard (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    The issue of strengthening the supporting structure of the swimming pool building, with a special attention on damaged reinforced concrete pillars in the sub-pool, is presented. The technical condition of those pillars in ...
  • Volume changes of concrete in interaction with sliding joint 

    Kropacek, Michal; Cajka, Radim; Mynarcik, Petr (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    The paper describes volume changes of cement plain concrete and steel fiber reinforced concrete with strength class C 30/37 in interaction with sliding joints. In the research experiment was performed large-dimensional ...
  • Automation of calibration process adopting metaheuristic optimization method 

    Koudela, Pavel; Chalmovský, Juraj (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    Optimization procedures offer a possibility for time-effective determination of input parameters values for complex soil constitutive models. The following paper presents a combination of the metaheuristic Particle swarm ...
  • Non-linear ultrasonic defectoscopy of concrete structures for nuclear industry 

    Koťátková, Jaroslava; Patera, Jan; Hlaváč, Zbyněk (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    Concrete structures exposed to neutron radiation may exhibit cracking and deterioration, therefore it is needed to find appropriate non-destructive testing methods for assessing their structural integrity. Non-linear wave ...
  • Non-linear analysis of slab-column connections with openings 

    Kormosova, Ludmila; Augustin, Tomas; Halvonik, Jaroslav (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    This paper is focused on the assessment of punching capacity of the slab-column connections without transverse reinforcement with openings located close to a column. Non-linear analysis and design equations from the relevant ...
  • Global sensitivity analysis of failure probability caused by fatigue crack propagation 

    Kala, Zdeněk (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    The probability of failure of a load bearing steel member is investigated using a new type of global sensitivity analysis subordinated to contrasts. The main objective of the probability-oriented sensitivity analysis is ...
  • Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2013) 

    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas; Statybos fakultetas / Faculty of Civil Engineering (2013)
  • Damage of prestressed concrete railway sleepers and its impact on durability 

    Jokūbaitis, Aidas; Marčiukaitis, Gediminas; Valivonis, Juozas (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    Prestressed concrete railway sleepers are the most widespread sleepers due to their stiffness and high bearing capacity. They transfer train induced loads from the rails directly to the ballast and therefore are the most ...
  • Experimental investigation on friction between foundation slabs and substructure 

    Holschemacher, Klaus; Löber, Philipp (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    For verification of structural safety (ultimate limit states – ULS) and serviceability (serviceability limit states – SLS) of reinforced concrete structures direct and indirect actions must be considered. The main reason ...
  • Advanced computational methods of perpendicularly loaded laminated glass panes 

    Hána, Tomáš; Vokáč, Miroslav; Eliášová, Martina; Machalická, Klára V. (International Conference Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques (MBMST 2019), 2019)
    Various examples of glass load bearing structures such as beams, columns, panes, or even stairs are used in a current architecture. For safety reasons, these members are mostly made of laminated glass. Polymeric interlayers ...
  • Blog content management in shaping pro recreational attitudes 

    Stepaniuk, Krzysztof (Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2017)
    The main aim of this article was to research the impact of the content of recreational blogs on the change of attitude and behaviours of their recipients, as well as creating the basis to manage the content of blogs directed ...
  • Measurement and management of development sustainability 

    Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Kvietkauskienė, Alina; Danilevičienė, Irena (Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 2015)
    The basis of scientific knowledge is the sustainability of system condition or development, which were formed by discussing the basic possibilities of smart interaction between universe and human with nature, massively ...
  • Social entrepreneurship: making change in the world? 

    Snellman, Lilian (Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 2016)

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