Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Creation of a better technological environment in the industrial enterprises
In a fast-changing world, industrial companies have less and less time to find, introduce and implement new ideas, so to keep up with competitors, it is necessary to constantly monitor the external and internal technological ...
Plieninių konstrukcijų suvirinimo terminių deformacijų tyrimas
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama terminių deformacijų įtaka tėjinės jungties plieninėms konstrukcijoms, virinant skirtingais suvirinimo siūlių eiliškumo formavimo metodais. Vertinami plieninių bandinių deformaciniai ...
Research of Geometrical Deviations in 3D Printed Objects Printed with FFF
Fused filament fabrication (FFF) machines are increasingly being used by manufacturers and makers to produce parts for functional use. Apparently, the control of accuracy and surface finish quality becomes crucial for this ...
Research of properties of 3D printed object, presented in a combination of plastic and flowable substances
"Smart" products occupy even greater space in our lives every day. Their abilities to accomplish extraordinary tasks brings new opportunities. More and more focus is being put into research and development of such products. ...
Lankinio suvirinimo roboto pozicionavimo tikslumo tyrimas
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamas lankinio suvirinimo roboto pozicionavimo tikslumas matuojant suvirinimo lanko elektrines charakteristikas. Darbe atlikta literatūros šaltinių apžvalga ir analizė, suvirinimo lanko ...
Impact of Innovation on High Added Value Industrial Companies` Development and Economic Growth under Conditions of Globalization
The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of innovation on the development and economic growth of high-value industries in 27 EU countries. This study explores the impact of innovation on the competitiveness ...
Skausmo objektyvizavimo tyrimas.
Baigiamajame magistro darbe aprašomas skausmo objektyvizavimo tyrimas ir gauti rezultatai. Teorinėje dalyje atliekama mokslinių straipsnių nagrinėjama tematika analizė. Apžvelgiamos skausmo atsiradimo priežastys, kaip ...