Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Efficient eco-friendly composite fluorine anhydrite-based materials 

      Yakovlev, Grigory; Keriene, Jadvyga; Gordina, Anastasiia; Polyanskikh, Irina; Bekmansurov, Milan (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      The paper presents possible ways of utilizing technogenic waste – fluorine anhydrite – by its use in production of dry mortars and piece goods from lightweight concrete with expanded polystyrene, as a organic filler, for ...
    • Impact of blockchain technology on the operational efficiency of crowdfunding platforms 

      Venslavienė, Santautė; Stankevičienė, Jelena; Leščauskienė, Ingrida (13th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2023”, 2023)
      Recently, crowdfunding platforms have become more attractive because of their advantages comparing to traditional funding sources. Nevertheless, the further potential of crowdfunding platforms development remains unclear ...
    • Integrated evaluation of road transport pollution impact on the urban air 

      Šerevičienė, Vaida; Vasiliauskienė, Vaida; Paliulis, Dainius; Aleknaitė, Jurgita (10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2017), 2017)
      With the number of vehicles increasing, the analysis of urban air pollution becomes expedient. This article deals with the integrated evaluation of road transport realised pollutant impact on the urban air. During research, ...
    • Investigation of lead and iron removal from groundwater using sapropel and quartz sand 

      Heang, Sorphea; Albrektienė, Ramunė; Paliulis, Dainius (11th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” (ICEE-2020), 2020)
      In Prey Nop district of Cambodia, a district in coastal area, it was observed that concentration of iron and lead in groundwater was higher than permissible values. Lead is a highly toxic heavy metal, while iron is an ...