Now showing items 1-20 of 59

    • The actual predictive power of bankruptcy models in terms of time use 

      Kuběnka, Michal; Honková, Irena; Sejkora, František; Mlázovský, Martin (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The quality of bankruptcy models is habitually based on how well they can predict the financial health of a business a year in advance. However, corporate accounting data is publicly available usually with one year delay. ...
    • The application of artificial intelligence technologies in management 

      Čyras, Giedrius; Janušauskienė, Vita Marytė (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The digital transformation of our world and the inevitable interplay between people, digital technologies, and physical assets are creating a rapidly changing and complex environment that requires organizations to be more ...
    • Application of digital technologies for sustainable business development 

      Lingaitienė, Olga; Byčenkaitė, Gintarė; Burinskienė, Aurelija (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The last century’s economic progress, technology and digitalization have led to efficient use of time resources and shortened distances. Due to technological progress, changes, and the variety of communication tools, part ...
    • Application of digital technologies in the EU logistics sector 

      Burinskienė, Aurelija; Daškevič, Diana (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      Logistics is currently undergoing a transformative phase due to rapid digitalization, prompting a profound exploration of both theoretical potentials and practical challenges within the industry. This comprehensive review ...
    • Application of hierarchical agglomerative clustering with the TOPSIS method for evaluating the business environment in European countries during the post-pandemic period 

      Gajdosikova, Dominika; Valaskova, Katarina (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The economic growth of any country relies significantly on its business environment and entrepreneurship, particularly after overcoming a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This research paper employs macroeconomic ...
    • The application of QFD and Kano model for the improvement of product document management 

      Broka, Kristine; Robertsone, Galina (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      Within competitive markets, emphasizing customer satisfaction is crucial for a company’s enduring stability. This satisfaction lays the foundation for loyalty, strengthening the company’s financial resilience. Consequently, ...
    • Artificial intelligence: challenges and benefits for business 

      Kirova, Milena; Boneva, Miroslava (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The paper aims to explore the benefits and challenges that artificial intelligence (AI) brings to business. The performed tasks are related to: (1) an a priori study of literary sources focused on the positive and negative ...
    • Assessment of smart growth indicators progress in EU: cohesion approach 

      Kozlovskij, Viktor (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      Smart Growth, a concept present since the inception of the European Union, has grown in significance with each subsequent programming period. Eventually, it solidified as a pivotal strategy for Europe2020. Post-2020, it ...
    • The assessment of youth financial literacy impact on saving 

      Danilevičienė, Irena (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      Financial literacy and savings are very important for efficient personal finance management. If the person has an excellent financial literacy level, the amount of savings is very high. This article aims to assess the link ...
    • Attitudes to sustainable entrepreneurship and environmental values of students: testing measurement scale and preliminary results of cross-country study 

      Titko, Jelena; Tambovceva, Tatjana; Skvarciany, Viktorija; Lapinskaitė, Indrė; Solesvik, Marina Z.; Uzule, Kristina; Faganel, Armand; Jasińska-Biliczak, Anna; Budanceva, Jelena; Dehtjare, Jevgenija; Mironova, Julija (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      Sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) is an approach that is crucial for creating enterprises that not only generate profit but also minimize environmental impact, promote social responsibility, drive innovations, and others. ...
    • Challenges and opportunities of ESG investing 

      Gernego, Iuliia; Petrenko, Liudmyla; Lavrenenko, Valentyna; Dyba, Mykhailo (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The main purpose of the article is to define the main challenges of ESG investing and propose key opportunities to foster its growth by considering the essential characteristics of ESG investing. The aim is developed within ...
    • The concept and development of the circular economy 

      Skýpalová, Jana (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The current setting of the society on a linear economy is proving to be unsustainable in the long term. The solution to the situation is the circular economy [CE]. The concept of CE has garnered attention not only in the ...
    • Consumer awareness and the ethical footprint of fast fashion with a focus on Shein 

      Azevedo, Inês Miguel; Alves, Ticiana; Pinto Borges, Ana; Vieira, Bruno; Vieira, Elvira; Mesquita, Susana (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      With an emphasis on the Shein brand, this article explores how consumers view the environmental and social implications of the fast fashion industry’s growth and how it has affected consumer behaviour. By comparing results ...
    • Development of tax administration in the conditions of digitalization of the economy 

      Tynaliev, Kanat; Adamkulova, Chinara (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      In the era of digitalization of the economy, tax administration faces new challenges and opportunities. This study aims to analyze current trends in tax administration and identify ways to improve it taking into account ...
    • Digital technologies in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises of the manufacturing industry 

      Toros, Christian (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      In the literature, digitalization is often designated as a so-called megatrend. One of the key characteristics of megatrends is that they are characterized by their ability to influence the environment in a variety of ...
    • Digitization processes in education 

      Davidavičienė, Vida; Limanovskaja, Anna (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The rapid advancement of digital technologies, driven by the Industry revolutions, has triggered significant changes in education on a global scale. The digitisation of educational processes is important because of its ...
    • Driving forces of success for sustainable entrepreneurship: Ukraine’s experience 

      Bondar-Pidhurska, Oksana; Glebova, Alla; Yudicheva, Olha; Konovalova, Nadiia S. (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The paper’s objective is to study the driving forces behind sustainable entrepreneurship success, considering the Ukrainian experience of digital innovations. The essence of sustainable entrepreneurship is considered. ...
    • Education paradigm change and impact on sustainable economic development: A case study of Latvia 

      Ozoliņa-Ugore, Simona; Straujuma, Anita (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      This research paper analyses the importance of a sustainable education-economy nexus in Latvia by analysing theoretical sources and expert opinions. The study reveals a paradigm shift in education towards an integrated, ...
    • Exploring the relationship between government DEBT and real GDP: a panel ARDL analysis 

      Hojdan, David (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      This study explores the impact of government debt on real GDP in 37 high-income economies from 1990 to 2019, using quarterly data and panel ARDL models with the PMG estimator to distinguish between short-run and long-run ...
    • Fintech development in the European Union: establishing supportive factors 

      Ambrusevič, Nikolaj (14th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2024”, 2024)
      The author of the presented article aims at discovering main supporting factors, essential for developing fintech in the context of social, economic and technological progress; to develop and suggest methodology necessary ...