Universiteto produkcija / University's production: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 2303
New public service development: identifying elements of process model
(Journal of System and Management Sciences, 2015)Nowadays public services are challenged in number of ways. The transformation of societies, technological innovations, and budgetary pressures force the governments to be more efficient, reduce costs, improve the quality ... -
Monopolistic trend analysis in the context of efficient entrepreneurial decision making
(Journal of System and Management Sciences, 2015)The research “Monopolistic trend analysis in the context of efficient entrepreneurial decision making” provides a multi – perspective description of the nature, the occurrence sources, the development procedure and the ... -
Index of the Fisheries Sector Cluster Competitiveness
(Journal of System and Management Sciences, 2015)The aim of the research is to create the Index of Fisheries Sector Cluster Competitiveness – tool aimed for assessing the competitiveness and development of the Fisheries Sectors cluster from time to time. Based on the ... -
High technology sector internationalisation: open innovation perspective
(Journal of System and Management Sciences, 2016)High technology sector faces contemporary management challenges related with open innovation processes. Innovation dissemination is influenced by various variables, which require broad level of collaborative, creative ... -
Socio-cultural factors and international competitiveness
(Business, Management and Education, 2015)Socio-cultural factors – shared values, norms and attitudes are significant, but less acknowledged sources of international competitiveness. Previous studies have found socio-cultural factors positively affecting various ... -
Application of Tecnomatix Plant Simulation for modeling production and logistics processes
(Business, Management and Education, 2016)The main objective of the article was to present the possibilities and examples of using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation (by Siemens) to simulate the production and logistics processes. This tool allows to simulate discrete ... -
Uncertainty in the sphere of the Industry 4.0 – potential areas to research
(Business, Management and Education, 2016)The world stands on the threshold of a new age of technology, which will launch a fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). According to this idea, web-based network will support smart factories at every stage of the ... -
The concept of products and services integration – analysis of scientific publications
(Business, Management and Education, 2016)Currently, global economy tends to turn into functional economy what triggered the birth of new terms and research fields such as integration of products and services (in literature termed: Product-Service Systems). Though ... -
Impact assessment of public innovation support in European Economic Area
(Business, Management and Education, 2015)The object of this paper is related to the public innovation support in European Economic Area and its effectiveness assessment. Main aim of the research presented in this paper is to propose new model for public innovation ... -
Ground handling business at non – European biggest world airports as a problem of market structures
(Business, Management and Education, 2015)In the paper we analyse the market structures of ground handling at the biggest non-European passenger and cargo airports in accordance with the ACI list of the most important world airports in 2014. Using the IATA IGHC ... -
Complex analysis of financial state and performance of construction enterprises
(Business, Management and Education, 2015)The paper analyses the financial state and performance of large constructions enterprises by applying financial indicators. As there is no one single decisive financial indicator enabling to objectively assess enterprise ... -
Categories of supply chain performance indicators: an overview of approaches
(Business, Management and Education, 2016)The increasing complexity of supply chains, whose structure is changing from a linear to network form creates the need to track a growing amount of information allowing the evaluation of the functioning of the entire supply ... -
The concept of a smart city in urban management
(Business, Management and Education, 2016)Analyzing the literature covering public management, the author noticed that the urban planning is a crucial fac-tor in urban development. Cities which have an adequate intellectual resources and proper institutions as ... -
The demand for professional knowledge as a key factor of the development of outsourcing of financial and accounting services in Poland
(Business, Management and Education, 2016)The access to professional knowledge and specialists’ skills is possible for small enterprises thanks to the outsourcing of services. Purpose – The aim is to analyse the reasons for the outsourcing of accounting services ... -
Attracting and retaining foreign highly skilled professionals for international competitiveness of a country
(Verslas XXI amžiuje: 21-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija / Business in XXI Century: Proceedings of the 21st Conference for Junior Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania", 2018)As positive dynamics of the skilled professionals migration is a key factor to ensure international competitiveness and sustainable growth of nation‘s economy, the aim of this research is to provide guidelines for developing ... -
Nevyriausybinių organizacijų marketingo priemonės pritraukiant rėmėjų lėšas
(Verslas XXI amžiuje: 21-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija / Business in XXI Century: Proceedings of the 21st Conference for Junior Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania", 2018)Šis straipsnis skirtas išsiaiškinti nevyriausybinių organizacijų sėkmę ir veiklos efektyvumą nulemiančias marketingo priemones. Tiksliau, kokios teoriškai jos gali būti ir kaip turėtų elgtis organizacija, kad pritrauktų ... -
Socialiai atsakingas ir socialinis verslas: nuo verslo koncepcijos iki detalesnių jo savybių
(Verslas XXI amžiuje: 21-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija / Business in XXI Century: Proceedings of the 21st Conference for Junior Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania", 2018)Vis didėjanti socialinė atskirtis pasaulyje neišvengiamai skatina plėtoti žmonių sąmoningumą ir prisiimti viešajam ir privačiajam sektoriams atsakomybę už tokių pokyčių valdymą. Bendrosios rinkos aktu ir strategija „Europa ... -
Vidaus kontrolės tobulinimo kryptys: teoriniai aspektai
(Verslas XXI amžiuje: 21-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija / Business in XXI Century: Proceedings of the 21st Conference for Junior Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania", 2018)Vidaus kontrolė organizacijose dažnai būna neveiksminga arba, keičiantis aplinkai, tokia pasidaro, todėl būtina žinoti, kokiomis priemonėmis ji gali būti tobulinama. Straipsnyje pristatomi pagrindiniai Lietuvos ir užsienio ... -
Socialiai atsakingo optikos verslo praktikos: vertybių kuriama vertė
(Verslas XXI amžiuje: 21-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija / Business in XXI Century: Proceedings of the 21st Conference for Junior Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania", 2018)Socialiai atakingo verslo sąvoka dažniau siejama su didelėmis įmonėmis, nes jos pajėgesnės investuoti į socialiai atsakingus verslo projektus ir žmogiškuosius išteklius. Šios investicijos nėra patrauklios - sunkiai ... -
Oro navigacijos paslaugų teikmas: pokyčiai ir iššūkiai
(Verslas XXI amžiuje: 21-osios jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis“ teminė konferencija / Business in XXI Century: Proceedings of the 21st Conference for Junior Researchers "Science - Future of Lithuania", 2018)Besiplečiantis aviacijos sektorius ir kartu didėjanti aviacinės veiklos įtaka ekonomikai skatina panaudoti vadybos mokslo žinias diegiant naujas technologijas ir optimizuojant aviacijos paslaugų sektoriaus veiklos procesus. ...