Browsing by Study direction "B01 - Informatika / Informatics"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
A method for accelerated computation of the Riemann zeta function on the complex plane
(Publicationes mathematicae Debrecen, 2022)The paper extends the study of efficient algorithms for the computation of the Riemann zeta function on the complex plane. It is dedicated to numerical aspects of the implementation of the algorithm. Since the straightforward ... -
AI in visually based creative industries: impact, challenges, and predictions
(CONFIA 2023: 10th International Conference on Illustration & Animation, July 6-7, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, 2023)Different generative AI models, such as Stable Diffusion, Dall-E, and Midjourney, were introduced to the market within the last year and have disrupted the creative digital industry. This quickly leads to legal disputes, ... -
An approach of ensuring interoperability of multi-dimensional data warehouses for monitoring of water resources
(Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management, 2021)The realization of really working, on-line system for evaluation of pollution of water processes requires to represent the complexity of such phenomenon. The multi-layered structure of distributed information systems under ... -
Application of a task stalling buffer in distributed hybrid cloud computing
(Elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering, 2021)The purpose of the research is to create a hybrid cloud platform that performs distributed computing tasks using high-performance servers and volunteer computing resources. The proposed platform uses a new task scheduling ... -
Application of Bayesian approach to reduce the uncertainty in expert judgments by using a posteriori mean function
(Mathematics: Special issue: Decision making and its applications, 2021)Much applied research uses expert judgment as a primary or additional data source, thus the problem solved in this publication is relevant. Despite the expert’s experience and competence, the evaluation is subjective and ... -
Automated e-assessment: students’ needs and e-evaluation solution possibilities
(International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), 2022)E-learning is increasingly gaining its usage. In the COVID-19 period, its importance even increased. One of the important e-learning processes is e-assessment. Suitable e-evaluation implementation depends on multiple ... -
Automated system-level malware detection using machine learning: A comprehensive review /
(Applied sciences: Special issue: Security challenges for the internet of things and mobile networks., 2023.)Malware poses a significant threat to computer systems and networks. This necessitates the development of effective detection mechanisms. Detection mechanisms dependent on signatures for attack detection perform poorly due ... -
Automatinis naviko identifikavimas iš histopatologinių duomenų
(2022)Šiame darbe buvo tiriamos naviko identifikavimo iš histopatologinių duomenų, taikant giliuosius neuroninius tinklus, galimybės. Tikslui pasiekti buvo atlikta automatinių naviko identifikavimo metodų apžvalga. Atrinkti ir ... -
Comparative analysis of exemplar-based approaches for students’ learning style diagnosis purposes
(Applied sciences, 2021)A lot of computational models recently are undergoing rapid development. However, there is a conceptual and analytical gap in understanding the driving forces behind them. This paper fo-cuses on the integration between ... -
Comparative assessment of the stability of AHP and FAHP methods
(Symmetry, 2021)Mathematical models describing physical, technical, economic, and other processes can be used to analyze these processes and predict their results, providing that these models are stable and their results are stable relative ... -
Development of a fuzzy inference based solar energy controller for smart marine water monitoring
(Informatica, 2021)Nowadays, there is a lack of smart marine monitoring systems, which have possibilities to integrate multi-dimensional components for monitoring and predicting marine water quality and making decisions for their optimal ... -
Development of E-Service provision system architecture based on IoT and WSNs for monitoring and management of freight intermodal transportation
(Sensors, 2023)The problems of developing intelligent service provision systems face difficulties in the representation of dynamic aspects of cargo transportation processes and integration of different and heterogeneous ICT components ... -
Development of ICT infrastructure management services for optimization of administration of educational institution activities by using ITIL-v4
(Baltic journal of modern computing, 2023)The services for information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure management (i.e., ICT strategy creation, ICT configuration, ICT incidence management, reengineering) have become an increasingly important and ... -
Development of intelligent service system for multimodal transport management
(Development of smart context-aware services for cargo transportation: an operational management approach / editors: Dalė Dzemydienė, Aurelija Burinskienė, Kristina Čižiūnienė, Arūnas Miliauskas, 2022)The main objective of this part of the research is to describe the development of a Smart-SDS for multimodal freight transport management. Components of decision-making processes are integrated into the Smart-SDS structures. ... -
Duomenų gavybos taikymas programinei įrangai testuoti
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamas duomenų gavybos taikymas programinei įrangai testuoti. Pagrindinis tikslas – palengvinti programinio kodo testavimo procesą, automatiškai nustatant galimų klaidų buvimą metoduose, ... -
Informacinių komunikacinių technologijų infrastruktūros valdymo paslaugų išvystymas švietimo įstaigų darbe
(ALTA’22. Advance learning Technologies and Applications. Annual International conference for education : Conference proceedings 30th of November, 2022 / edited by Danguolė Rutkauskienė, 2022)Elektroninio (el.) turinio perteikimas ir informacinių komunikacinių technologijų (IKT) infrastruktūros valdymo paslaugos pastaraisiais metais tampa vis svarbesniu ir sudėtingesniu procesu. IKT infrastruktūros aptarnavimo ... -
Intelektualių programinių komponentų integravimo pavyzdžiai elektroninių mokymo sistemų valdymo aplinkose
(ALTA'19: Advance learning technologies and applications: next generation learning environments: annual international conference for education: conference proceedings, 12th of December, 2019 = Pažangios mokymosi technologijos ir aplikacijos: ateities mokymosi aplinkos: tarptautinė konferencija skirta švietimui: konferencijos pranešimų nedžiaga, 2019 m. gruodžio 12 d. / edited by Danguole Rutkauskiene, 2019)Šis mokslinis tiriamasis darbas skirtas elektroninio mokymosi valdymo sistemos (eMVS) išvystymui, realizuojant pritaikyto (adaptuoto) mokymosi funkcijas nuotolinio mokymosi sistemos aplinkoje. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ... -
Intervalinių medžio tipo duomenų struktūrų įtaka, sprendžiant didelių duomenų apdorojimo uždavinius
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - ištirti intervalinių medžio tipo duomenų struktūrų įtaką didelių duomenų apdorojimo uždaviniams spręsti. Baigiamajame darbe yra detaliai apžvelgiamos segmentinio medžio ir dvejetainio indeksuoto ... -
Klasifikavimu pagrįstas vaizdų saugojimo įrankis
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – išanalizavus populiariausius vaizdų saugojimo ir glaudinimo algoritmus sukurti klasifikavimo įrankį, įgalinantį gauti vartotoją tenkinantį optimalų vaizdo kokybės bei failo dydžio santykį. Darbe ... -
Mobiliųjų paslaugų analizė finansų sektoriuje
Baigiamajame magistro darbe išanalizuotos mobiliosios paslaugos finansų sektoriuje, naudojamos finansinės technologijos, jų saugumo aspektai. Atliktos Lietuvos ir Vokietijos gyventojų apklausos, apie naudojimąsi mobiliosiomis ...