Browsing by Study direction "J10 - Komunikacija / Communication"
Now showing items 1-20 of 104
Activation of cultural heritage with the help of city games.The case of the Shnipishki micro district
(Методичні рекомендації «Культурна спадщина. Збереження та популяризація в умовах об’єднаних територіальних громад (ОТГ)» : сбирка = "Methodical recommendations "Cultural heritage. Preservation and promotion in the conditions of united territorial communities (UTC): сollection", 2020)Historic districts enrich the urban structure and life of the city, as they contain tangible and intangible mentions of the past of cities, as well as stimulate thinking about the future development of cities. The ... -
Aesthetics in adult animation: animated documentary
(CONFIA 2021: 9th international conference on illustration and animation, October 28-29, Aveiro, Portugal, 2021)The popularity of animation among documentarians has grown steadily over the past decade. Unfortunately, the use of animation is not always successful or even necessary to tell a nonfictional story. This paper aims to ... -
AI in visually based creative industries: impact, challenges, and predictions
(CONFIA 2023: 10th International Conference on Illustration & Animation, July 6-7, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, 2023)Different generative AI models, such as Stable Diffusion, Dall-E, and Midjourney, were introduced to the market within the last year and have disrupted the creative digital industry. This quickly leads to legal disputes, ... -
An integration of customer value and customer relationship in urban centres and peripheries: Research implications for business practice and business studies
(Management : Journal of Contemporary Management Issues: Special Issue, 2020)The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of customer values in building customer relationships with regard to the urban factor. This paper seeks to empirically explain how the urban factor affects customer ... -
Animacinė dokumentika: objektyvi tiesa subjektyviu vaizdu
(Protagonistas: Žiema 2021, 2021)Sužinojus, kad po trumpos pertraukos „Protagonistas“ vėl bus leidžiamas, iš karto kilo daugybė minčių, apie ką galima būtų rašyti. Nors COVID-19 viruso sukelta globali pandemija iš tiesų labai stipriai sudrebino populiariosios ... -
Anime: an approach to erotica and violence in animation for adults
(CONFIA 2021: 9th international conference on illustration and animation, October 28-29, Aveiro, Portugal, 2021)This article explores how anime approaches aesthetics and storytelling and why adult audiences (especially in the Western hemisphere) considers this animation segment more attractive for adult viewers. In other words, why ... -
Aplinkosauginių iniciatyvų reikšmė įmonės prekės ženklo komunikacijai
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos socialiai atsakingo verslo, darnaus vystymosi bei aplinkosaugos koncepcijos, jų bruožai ir nauda. Plačiau nagrinėjama darnaus vystymosi samprata Europoje ir Lietuvoje, darnaus ... -
Aplinkosaugos organizacijų komunikacijos aspektas: VšĮ "Mes Darom" atvejis Lietuvoje
Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojama aplinkosaugos organizacijos išorinė komunikacija per aplinkosaugos problemą. Darbe pristatomas teorinis aplinkosaugos organizacijos išorinės komunikacijos per konkrečią organizacijos ... -
Application of the DEMATEL model for assessing IT sector’s sustainability
(Sustainability, 2021)Understanding what are the IT sector’s business opportunities under distorted market conditions is a growing interest in sustainability research. This article investigates how to assess the IT sectors sustainability through ... -
Application of the fuzzy VIKOR method to assess concentration and its effects on competition in the energy sector
(Energies, 2022)Understanding the market competition is one of the most important factors for examining and assessing competition issues, and is of growing interest in business sustainability research. Markets in the energy industry, which ... -
Asmeniniai brendai inovacijų lauke: nuo inovacijos kūrėjo iki jos finansuotojo
(2023)Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama inovatorių asmeninio brendo elementų nauda, raiška socialiniuose tinkluose ir Lietuvos startuolių ekosistemoje. Analizuojamų temų paskirtis – išanalizuoti inovatorių asmeninio brendo ... -
Aspects of creativity in adult animation: an overview of censorship and self-censorship in Western countries
(Creativity studies, 2023)Today, adult animation is the fastest growing segment in the industry. However, adult animation is also the least researched topic in animation field. In this article, the author explores what key elements hinder the growth ... -
Assessing customer preferences for shopping centers: effects of functional and communication factors
(Sustainability: Section: Economic and business aspects of sustainability, 2021)Retail companies operating in Lithuania are very important for the national economy. Domestic consumption has remained one of the most important drivers of Lithuania’s economic development. The objective of this article ... -
Assessing digital co-creation in urban transformations: Case of Vilnius
(Co-creation of public open places. Practice - Reflection - Learning, 2020)Public spaces play a vital role in urban democracy since they enable collective usage and reflection. One of the ways to make open public spaces more attractive and inclusive in modern times full of busyness is through the ... -
Benamių vaikų edukacijos barjerai tarpasmeninės komunikacijos kontekste: teoriniai aspektai
(Socialinis ugdymas, 2020)Straipsnyje analizuojama benamių vaikų ir jų tarpasmeninės komunikacijos su artimiausia aplinka trikdžiai, kurie prisideda prie jų mokymo(si) mokykloje problemų. Keliama prielaida, kad konfliktiški santykiai su tėvais ... -
Building the capacities of civic tech communities through digital data analytics
(The journal of innovation and knowledge, 2020)A wide range of public and private organizations, businesses and individuals throughout the world are experimenting with web-based, GIS, virtual and mobile technologies, often in collaboration with each other in order to ... -
Challenges of market definition and price discrimination in preparing strategy of negotiations
(International journal of learning and change, 2022)The extent of competition in the market affects the balance of bargaining power of market participants. When price discrimination is low, it increases consumer welfare - that is, if the price does not correspond to the ... -
Citizen science addressing challenges of sustainability
(Sustainability: Public Participation in Sustainability-Oriented Research: Fallacies of Inclusiveness and the Ambivalences of Digital and Other Remedies, 2021)Practices for the engagement of citizens and other research and innovation (R&I) stakeholders in science can be found aplenty in existing literature, all along with principles, guidelines and tools providing meaningful ... -
City brand image formation by urban heritage initiatives
(Management: Journal of contemporary management issues: Special issue, 2020)In today’s world, as cities compete in the marketplace, strategies for creating a city brand image are often shaped solely to meet the aspirations of profit, business development, and awareness. The preservation of culture, ... -
Communications management challenges in creative industries: the creative worker’s perspective
(CONFIA 2020: 8th international conference on illustration and animation, 23-24 October 2020 (online), Barcelos, Portugal, 2020)The objective of this study is to identify and explore how workplace communications management affects overall organization performance and its ability to perform creativity and innovation. A literature review was conducted ...