Browsing Konferencijų publikacijos / Conference Publications by Faculty "Kūrybinių industrijų fakultetas / Faculty of Creative Industries"
Now showing items 1-20 of 127
A Cognitive Framework for Innovation Based on Gamestorming
(The 12th International Conference Culture and Creativity. 17th and 18th November 2017. Kaunas, Lithuania. Abstracts., 2017) -
A cognitive framework for the quality without a name, patterns and pattern languages, and the properties of life
(PURPLSOC 2017: second world conference "Pursuit of pattern languages for societal change", October 19th to 21st, 2017. Krems, Austria: information scope programme abstracts., 2017) -
A five years follow up study of Lithuanian comic book culture and industry development
(CONFIA 2019: 7th International conference on illustration and animation, 14-16 June 2019, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2019)This paper is a follow up study that analyzes how situation related to comics in Lithuania changed in the last five years. The results of the previous study identified that comic related situation in Lithuania was at very ... -
A systems approach for improvement of innovation development in creative industries
(Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE-2015), Co-hosted by The University of KwaZulu Natal and the Ethekwini Municipality. Durban, South Africa, 19-20 March 2015, 2015)The increasing significance of innovation has resulted in the focusing of a considerable amount of attention and resources on innovation development. The process of innovation development is becoming much more sophisticated. ... -
Administracinės kalbos laiko raiškos konstrukcijos su vietininku ir jų sinonimija
(Konferencijos „Specialybės kalba: gramatika ir logika", 2012 m. lapkričio 30 d., mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys, 2012)Lietuvių kalboje laiką galima reikšti įvairiai. Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos laiko raiškos priemonės aprašytos Lietuvių kalbos gramatikoje [14: 206], Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos gramatikoje [2: 535-543], sintaksės ir morfologijos ... -
AI in visually based creative industries: impact, challenges, and predictions
(CONFIA 2023: 10th International Conference on Illustration & Animation, July 6-7, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, 2023)Different generative AI models, such as Stable Diffusion, Dall-E, and Midjourney, were introduced to the market within the last year and have disrupted the creative digital industry. This quickly leads to legal disputes, ... -
Analysis of cognitive media in the scholastic philosophy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
(Интеллектуальная культура Беларуси: духовно-нравственные традиции и тенденции инновационного развития: духовно-нравственные традиции и тенденции инновационного развития : Материалы Пятой международной научной конференции (19–20 ноября 2020 года, г. Минск) / Ин-т философии НАН Беларуси, 2020) -
Animation industry’s expectations from industry-specific education: Lithuanian case
(CONFIA . International Conference on Ilustration & Animation Guimarães, Portugal, July 2017, 2017)The research studied and examined the expectations of Lithuanian animation industry towards necessary abilities that graduates should possess to successfully enter the industry. For this purpose, literature review was ... -
Annotating discourse marker because in TED Talks
(Drivers for progress in the global society : the 5th European interdisciplinary forum 2017 (EIF 2017) Vilnius (Lithuania) / editors Agota Giedrė Raišiene, Yuriy Bilan, 2018) -
Application of constructs in commercial dispute resolution
(The 8th international scientific conference "Business and Management 2014", May 15-16, 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014)Conflicts in the business sector, in particular causes of conflicts and conflict management, have been analysed in detail and described by a number of scholars. However, the stage of conflict evolving into a dispute and ... -
„Ar sociologai šitą tyčia daro?“: apklausų vykdymo iššūkiai iš apklausėjų perspektyvos
(Sociologija be ribų: anapus žmogiškumo: XI-oji nacionalinė Lietuvos sociologų draugijos konferencija, 2019 m. lapkričio 22 d., Vilnius, 2019)Apklausos duomenų kokybę lemia daug veiksnių. Dar prieš atliekant tyrimą sprendžiama dėl apklausos temos(ų), imties sudarymo strategijos, klausimyno apimties, klausimų formuluočių ir formų, apklausos atlikimo būdo ir t. ... -
Archyvas kaip žaidimas: Urbingo medinėse Šnipiškėse
(Pažangi architektūros paveldo apsauga: misija (ne)įmanoma? : mokslinės-praktinės konferencijos medžiaga, Vilniaus paveikslų galerija, 2016 m. lapkričio 22–23 d., 2017)Straipsnyje analizuojamas žaidimų potencialas, siekiant įtraukti vietos gyventojus į savo rajono kultūros paveldo dokumentavimą ir kultūrinį vietovės gaivinimą. Dalyvaujamojo tyrimo per veiksmą (angl. participatory action ... -
Assessment of the commercial potential of biotechnologies and laser technologies: comparison the results of the expert survey
(Contemporary issues in economy: 10th International conference on applied economics contemporary issues in economy, Toruń, Poland, 27-28 June 2019 : abstract book, 2019)Research background: Most of the attempts to commercialize technologies ends in failure, and thus the ability to timely and objectively assess the expediency of technology commercialization, in order ... -
Assessment of the commercial potential of biotechnologies and laser technologies: comparison the results of the expert survey
(Contemporary issues in economy: 10th international conference on applied economics: entrepreneurship and management, Olsztyn, Poland, 2019 : proceedings, 2019)Research background: Most of the attempts to commercialize technologies ends in failure, and thus the ability to timely and objectively assess the expediency of technology commercialization, in order ... -
Biologinė ir kultūrinė įvairovės: filosofiniai ir politiniai analogijos aspektai
(@eitis elektroniniai mokslo sklaidos vartai. Konferencija Tauta, kultūra, tapatybė: apie kuriamąsias ir ardomąsias įvairoves, 2018)Straipsnyje nagrinėjama JT ir UNESCO dokumentų tekstuose pateikiama biologinės įvairovės ir kultūrinės įvairovės analogijos samprata, jos istorinės, politinės ir filosofinės prielaidos, trūkumai ir su jais susijusi rizika. ... -
Blended learning model for collective creativity skills development
(EDULEARN 14: 6th International conference on education and new learning technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 July, 2014 : conference proceedings [CD] / International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2014)Many studies examined the personal, social, motivational, and cognitive factors related to individual creativity. Genius was seen as residing in the individual (Guilford, 1967). The process of new product development often ... -
Causes and conditions for animation-as-genre misconception: Lithuanian case
(CONFIA 2018. 6th International conference on Illustration and Animation, 2018)There is a need to investigate the causes and conditions that allow for misconception that animation is a genre and not a medium to stay afloat. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding why in 21st century ... -
Causes of conflicts in a construction industry: a communicational approach
(The 2-dn International scientific conference „Contemporary issues in business, management and education 2013", 2014)The article analyses the causes of conflicts arising between client and contractors in the construction industry. An analysis of articles on this topic has revealed that most of contemporary authors refer to externally ... -
Challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic to the process of distance learning: Comparison of experience of the world and Lithuanian high education institutions
(Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education : 14-16 October : Prague - Czech Republic, 2022)The worldwide high education system of the 21st century experiences a series of different challenges, the assurance of a quality distance learning process probably being the major of them all. An application of distance ... -
Choosing the most economically advantageous solution to the decision of the issue
(10th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2018”, May 3–4, 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania: Section: Social, Legal and Economic Business Environment, 2018)Countries in conflict, trying to make a resolution, encounter a decision process. Often, in practice decisions are made based on groundless rationalization, therefore it is commonly believed that it is experience and ...