Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Analysis of indicators of the information society development 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      The article examines the diversity of concepts of the information society and models of the information society development and raises a problem of the evaluation of the information society development. The number of ...
    • Challenges of CRM software implementations in Lithuania 

      Tamošiūnienė, Rima; Jasilionienė, Regina (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      In this paper CRJVI and challenges of CRM software implementations in Lithuania are analyzed. Paper authors separate challenges of Lithuanian companies CRM software implementations in to two major groups: challenges concerned ...
    • Decision making management in capital markets of transition economies 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Michailova, Julija (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      The main purpose of this article was to find a reasoned ground for decision making management in capital markets of transition economics, on the case of stock markets of Lithuania, Estonia, Russia and Poland. As the key ...
    • E-government development in Lithuania 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Jurkėnaitė, Nelė (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      Nowadays people can not imagine their life without informational technologies and telecommunications, which give opportunity to improve the efficiency of puhlic services, secure transparency of state institutions' activity, ...
    • Facets of systematic business project risk management 

      Tamošiūnienė, Rima; Katilius, Marius (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      isk management is systematically based on the analysis of all processes subject to their systematic ties, common impact of separate elements and solutions. This article contains the whole of remedies and methods that helps ...
    • Modelling of investment strategy 

      Pabedinskaitė, Arnoldina Ona; Vakrinienė, Sigutė (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
    • Towards sustainable corporate development strategy 

      Rutkauskas, Aleksandras Vytautas; Miečinskienė, Algita (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      his article gives a concept of corporate sustainable development strategy. It is assumed that corporate sustainable development is a maximal growth of its value, but reached with the given growth guarantee. The main ...
    • Vocational training tendences: case of Lithuania 

      Korsakienė, Renata (Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering : III International Conference "Management and Engineering'05" : June 20-24, 2005 Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005)
      Fierce competition influences the investment into the human resources of the companies. Notably the human capital helps to improve the management of the company, the application of new technologies and the achievement of ...