Internet-based real estate multiple criteria decision support system
In Lithuania, the real estate market has been growing fast in recent years. Such a speedy rise in the country‘s real estate market is being affected by several main factors: residents see the broad lending possibilities; the improving economic situation gives people greater hopes and expectations; the indices of available housing in Lithuania still lag behind the EU almost twice; once the demand well exceeds the supply, good conditions open to the construction companies and real estate agencies to sell their production; the expanding real estate market attracts investments from people who have free money; growing inflation in the country; etc. Due to the market expansion and higher competition, integration of information technologies to the real estate sector is more necessary today than ever before. The application of information technologies and telecommunications in the real estate sector ensures faster exchange of information among all interest groups, and allows more effective responding to market changes. Today we find internet as the field of applying information technologies and telecommunications in the real estate business. With the help of internet in any activity, the possibilities are provided to overcome time and space. By using internet, we can freely get a sufficiently big amount of exhaustive information about real estate. However, today‘s possibilities provided by internet are not limited to this. Frequently, different websites on real estate give us a possibility to take advantage of the business expert consultancies, advice, expert evaluations, etc. Also, very often, internet enables us to use different real estate e-business systems that make it possible to engage in purchase and sale of products, services and information, communication with partners, concluding transactions on-line or other maintenance of business by way of using on-line infrastructure. Currently, a great deal of real estate e-business systems is available throughout the world. These real estate e-business systems provide information and some services in the following areas: real estate sales, purchase, lease, various search, diverse pieces of advice and information on real estate lease and its planning, comprehensive information about deposits, credits, insurance services, settling in a new place, experienced tenant advice for beginners, leasing services, information about moving to a new residence, buildings’ administration services, different kind of classifieds, other cognitive information, etc. Today, you can find all comprehensive information about real estate and its environment in the most progressive e-business systems or real estate Multiple Listing Services so that system users can get all desirable information using their computers. The following real estate services are provided by the mentioned real estate e-business systems: real estate search, review of insurers‘ services, analysis of insurance service options, automated geographic information system services, real estate object display through the electronic network, presentation of electronic promotional information about real estate, selection of potential buyers for security, for more secure real estate object sales, buildings’ administration services, assistance in negotiations on purchase-sales contracts. With the recent rise of economy in Lithuanian, the real estate market has boosted up, and possibilities in applying information technologies and telecommunications seem to be getting higher, research of application of electronic systems in real estate sector becomes a key object of construction science. Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje nekilnojamojo turto rinka sparčiai auga. Toks spartus šalies nekilnojamojo turto rinkos augimas yra įtakojamas keleto pagrindinių veiksnių: gyventojams atsivėrė plačios skolinimosi galimybės, gerėjanti ekonominė situacija suteikia žmonėms didesnių vilčių ir lūkesčių, pagal apsirūpinimą būstu Lietuva vis dar atsilieka nuo Europos Sąjungos rodiklių beveik dvigubai, paklausai gerokai viršijant pasiūlą atsiveria geros sąlygos statybininkams bei jų produkciją pardavinėjančioms nekilnojamojo turto agentūroms, besiplečianti nekilnojamojo turto rinka traukte traukia investuoti žmones, turinčius laisvų pinigų, auganti infliacija šalyje ir kt. Dėl rinkos plėtros ir išaugusios konkurencijos, informacinių technologijų integracija į nekilnojamojo turto sektorių šiandiena yra reikalinga labiau nei bet kada anksčiau. Informacinių technologijų ir telekomunikacijų panaudojimas nekilnojamojo turto sektoriuje užtikrina spartesnį informacijos apsikeitimą tarp visų suinteresuotų grupių ir leidžia efektyviau reaguoti į rinkos pokyčius.