Darbo aplinkos užterštumo normatyvai tarptautiniame kontekste
Standarts of pollution of working environment is very different in various world country. In Lithuania maximal concentration of substances in the working environment is established very strict and descent just Russian standarts, because till now in Lithuania exist the sames standarts how in last USRS. Strict of standarts decide priority of standarts formation in different country, economies factors, establishement of standarts. For analysis we choose 17 country and 20 different substances, that often happens in working environment: acetone, fenol, carbon monoxide and etc. Peculiarity in the establishement of standarts is: 1) establishement of the main criterian for maximai meanings: 2) priority criterian: 3) suggestions from members of Commission, industry. Government: 4) final list; 5) statement of list. Various country bases oneself on sames facts. In the end of analysis we come to the conclusions: 1. Majority of country have no hard base of standarts and leans by experience of other country. 2. Lithuania by all criterian takes stict possition (how Russian). Its standarts least differ from Polland, Swedish and Hungary standarts, so Lithuania can orientate to these country standarts bases.