Cost-benefit analysis of social projects using equal project as an example
State government collects money into the budget and then spread it to solve the biggest social problems that some people claim the biggest usually without any calculations. Many social projects are designed to integrate unemployed into labor market. There is a strong need to find objective criteria for calculating the impact of social projects and it might be started with the already evaluated projects. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) provides means for systematically comparing the value of outcomes with the value of resources achieving the outcomes required. The Cost-Benefit analysis of the project JUMS was made to prove politicians the need of such social project. The model used in CBA of the project JUMS can be adapted to every similar project and the assessment can be made if the particular project would satisfy some specific requirements. Socialiniai projektai yra bene svarbiausia valstybės projektų dalis, tačiau juos sunku įvertinti dėl jų rezultato neapibrėžtumo ir ilgalaikės perspektyvos. Pasitelkiant kaštų-naudos analizę galima įvertinti socialinio projekto kaštus ir socialinę naudą, kuri tuo pačiu gali būti ir ekonominė nauda. JUMS projekto 5 kaštų-naudos analizės pagrindu išskiriami objektyvūs kriterijai, kuriuos atitinkantys projektai gali būti vertinami pagal panašų kaštų-naudos vertinimo modelį.